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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

I sit on the couch and cross my legs while squeezing my cup of tea, waiting for Damian to start talking. We have been silent for an hour and the thing is becoming awkward. I gulp down a bit of my tea and turn to glare to my cup, making it spin in my hands because I don't know what to do.

I peek at him and see that he's staring but when I caught him, he darts away and blink in embarrassed, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. I link my limbs and adjust myself on the couch before finding the strength to speak. It's strange, he should be the one talking, since you know, he came all the way here to have a little talk. Anyway.

''So...'' I break the silence and his attention flies to me in a heartbeat, his cheeks are slightly red, he's so weirdo. ''are you going to speak or you will just stare at me when I'm not looking and then act like you weren't? It's odd'' I say and he smirks, flushing again. He's pretty shy for being a super billionaire.

He caresses the edge of his cup before finishing it and placing it near him on the table.

He folds his hands and eventually breath out, maybe collecting words or courage to speak. I hope he will. A part of me doesn't want to know, somehow I know it will be hurtful and suck but the other, just want to stop being just a guest in my own life.

''I don't know what to say first'' he cracks in a nervous laugh and then adds '' I have so many things that I want you to know.'' His smiles is beautiful, sweet and strangely warming. I don't know how to explain but this man isn't what you expect when you look to his fancy aspect. Maybe his mom was right, I will be surprise if I only let him. just, I don't like trusting people, especially not men. It's something I can't help.

''I will start for you then. first, why did you came here dressed like a minion of A- from Pretty Little Liars? You scared the shit out of me'' he cringes for my language and straiten is back. I guess he's trying his best not to correct or even scolds me. it's fun I have to do it again.

''Well Grace, I was jogging around here.'' I raise an eyebrow to him and he puts his hands up to defend himself, I hope he doesn't think I'm going to buy this shitty story ''I swear! I was just jogging and since my father always uses his friends to follow me everywhere I go, I camouflaged myself, I do this all the time to make them lose my track, I'm pretty fast.'' He proudly says and pushes his loose waves behind so he can see me. I guess he's just nervous because I won't believe him, actually I don't know if I do but...let's listen first.

''Then I saw you, you were walking all alone and I was scared, something could have happened and I walked behind you for a little while but when you have noticed me, you started running and I didn't want for you to be scared or fearing me so I chase after you. I forgot that probably I looked like a psycho. While I was coming after you, I thought about my life and strangely as it sounds, I didn't want for you to go away without talking to me first. you were lonely and I said to myself, this is my chance to finally tell her'' yes, sure. Men are so good with words.

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