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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

We've been walking for a very long time in the woods and I've tripped like twelve times by now but Harry didn't stop once. He keeps on walking like he grew up in this place, which may be true. I follow him close because it's scary out here. The only light is Harry's phone and the moon above us that's is about to be covered by the clouds.

''Harry, is it still far?'' I complain.

My legs hurt because I've been up for like five hours and they really need rest. He doesn't answer me and instead keeps walking straight head, moving some branches here and there. I trip on a root and hit my face against Harry's back. He's finally stopped but doesn't turn to look at me.

''Harry,'' I whine and he pulls me next him, putting his arm around my shoulders.

''We are here.''

He points to a little house, which reassembles an old cottage. He takes my hand and leads me into the driveway. I feel a little uncomfortable because we're alone in the middle of nowhere and Harry has this twisted expression on his face that makes my stomach hurt. He seems lost and deep in thoughts; nothing seems to wake him up and I'm starting to worry. He takes out a key and unlocks the front door, signalling me to go ahead and walk before him. I don't know where I'm going, it's really black and the only source of light, comes from a little door right in front of me. I attach one of my hands to the wall and start to stroll until Harry finally turns on a lamp and closes the door. This house is like a piece of a sad story. The walls are all grey and everything is covered in dust, just like Kira's room when I first walked in. Seems like it's been forgotten by everyone. Whatever that girl did, she just took the life out of this place and left Harry with nothing but ashes. I look at the webs at the corners and on the railing; All the furniture is covered with white cloths. He walks past me in the hallway and goes over the living room aiming for the kitchen. I follow him silently. I don't want to stop whatever he's doing here. It sounds like I shouldn't even be here. Harry starts to search for something in the drawers. Pulls out knives and napkins until he finally finds a little silver key. He uses it to open the door that face the yard and he storms out. Out in the little yard, there is this big tree where a teeter totter is hang, swinging a little for the wind. I glare up at the sky and see the angry clouds moving fast; it's going to rain. Harry is standing there, with his hands on his hips staring at the tree. I embrace myself without saying anything. He looks back minutes later and gestures me to come closer. I reach for his hand as he sits down, not letting go of it.

''We used to come here every summer since I was kid.'' I want him to open up with me completely but it's scaring so scary.

''One day, after the school was over, I was packing my things that my dad would be loading in his car and then he would scream for Kira to hurry up. She's like the slowest girl on earth when it comes to get ready. She can be so annoying sometimes.'' He's smiling acting like he's talking to himself.

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