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Harry's POV

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Harry's POV.

A knock on the door, makes me jump on my feet. I hadn't plan on falling asleep to be honest, I wanted to stay awake and keep an eye on Grace. she really needs me to protect her in this house, I don't actually know how she fell asleep in the first place, maybe because I worn her out. I smile at the thought and slide my boxer on. I open the door enough to see Grace's father standing outside, rocking on his heels, his gaze at the ground. He has the face of a man who have had a bad day, shame for him but I don't really care.

''What do you want?'' I say closing the door more so he can't see my half naked little girl, sleeping. I didn't remember to cover her up damn.

''I want to talk to Grace,'' he says rushing the words, if I didn't know the story I'll probably think he's desperate and really in need to do this thing. Since I do though, he's going to walk on my dead lifeless body before go any near Grace. I step out closing the door behind me and push him against the wall.

''Are you fucking insane? I told you to stay away,'' I state lowering my voice so I won't be waking anyone. I only hope he'll go away so I can keep to stay with Grace.

''I...need to do it. Let me in. She's my daughter, I want to see her and you can't prevent me from doing it.'' I raise an eyebrow to him and cross my arms to my chest. Is he really sure?

''No way in hell you're going to put a foot in that room when she's asleep and naked.'' I say smirking to him. I stress the last word so he will understand he lost. She's mine and he can't have her. only mine. I repeat to myself.

''I want to apologize, I'm sober for the first time in years and... I want to talk to her so I can fix everything. I don't want her to go away in the way her mother did,'' I stare in shocked. Maybe I've heard wrong.

Didn't Grace told me her mother died when she was born? This is really strange. He takes a step forward but I push him back again, tilting my head aside. He just has to try pass me, and I'll smash his face against the concrete.

''This will be the last time you will see her; she won't be coming back ever again to you. so I suggest you not to mess once again, because I know Grace can't do anything when it comes to you, but I can. And I won't stop until I'll have your head on a silver plate. I cared to memorized the position of all of her bruises, so I could repeat them on you.'' I state and turn around to open the door.

''Don't take her away from me. She's everything that I have left, I love her more than my life.'' A shiver comes sneaking on my spine and I freeze to his words. I want to puke and punch him. how disgusting a person can be? Does he not know any boundary?

''It's time for you to let her be happy. If you truly care, you will let her stay with me and never come to check on her again,'' I state but I hear him crying. I don't know monsters could have cried.

Maybe I was wrong, maybe everyone has feelings, some are just better to show them then others, some doesn't know how to show them, other again love with all they have and in the only way they know, even if it's not right and mostly hurts. I gulp loudly and step inside closing the only chance that man has to apologize to his only daughter. I hear him sobbing but I will sleep better knowing he's broken and lost, the way Grace felt for so many years. Maybe it's wasn't in my power to forbade him to come and make it up, but I want Grace to be happy and to do so, he needs to go as far away as possible.

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