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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

I wake up alone in bed. Harry is nowhere to be found and this is quite strange. Never happened for him to leave me after we made love.

I wear my panties back on and walk downstairs to find Harry staring to the counter, while sipping to his mug, I guess it's tea what he's drinking. I lick my lips because my mouth is dry as soon as my eyes land on his figure and look at him as he points to something behind him. I take the mug from the counter and can't help by grin when I taste lemon tea. I wrap my arms around him and lean down to kiss his cheek but he stands up abruptly. I almost drop the mug, notice how hard his face is. What's wrong now? Did I do something I wasn't supposed to do? Wasn't yesterday not enough fun for him?

He gulps the whole liquid down then shoves the mug in the sink and glares at me with nonchalance.

''Move Grace, I don't want to be late'' his tone is cold and it slightly takes me by surprise, so I don't move and stare into his eyes, trying to find the light I love but there is none.

''Harry. But?'' I attempt to ask but Harry shrugs his shoulders and turns around to touch with his finger the corner of the counter, as he's talking to no one in particular, as if I'm one of those girls he used to bring home and he can't wait to get rid of it. a toy.

''What Grace?'' he asks evilly. ''Do you really think that letting me fuck you, would have be enough to make me forget you lied to my face? Hell no'' he states cracking into a laugh, looking straight to me.

''Now go wear something, I don't want to fuck you and then have you think everything is okay. Move'' he commands and I walk past him, hitting his arm with my shoulder as hard as I can. before walking back upstairs.

''Don't be too upset, darling'' I cringe at the nickname, we don't use them at all. He's using it because he wants to upset me, I know that. ''You said it yourself, that doesn't change anything'' he shouts while I hide in his room. bad decision because I wanted to forget about him and this room if full of his things, our things

I left Harry near his car and I am walking inside the hallway by myself, I reach for my locker and start to pull out the books I will need for the first period. It takes me more time than I intended because I'm staring at the loads of notes I've kept from Harry. He used to leave one for every time we didn't see each other, one for every hour we spent apart. They say the dumbest things like:

<< I broke my pencil because I was drawing your face with too much strength>> or another one that says << if I'd say that I can't live without you, would you say you will live only with me?>> my favourite, even if it's stupid and childish.

Something hits the locker next to mine and I peek only to see Harry, his eyes shining as he stares straight into mine. A grin is on his face as I accidentally let my hair fall over my sight so he will not see me. My stomach is twisting and fighting against the need to throw myself into his arms. Not happening.

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