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Harry's POV

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Harry's POV.

I have been rolling up and down my bed without finding rest for my tired bones for hours. Every piece of my mattress seems made by stones other than feathers and I can't find a position that will help me sleep. But I don't think this has something to do with my room, the emptiness is in my heart because Grace is in another room and since she got here, we always slept together, no matter what. I didn't even notice it till now, how used I'm to have Grace around.

I shift on the left side and close my eyes, the light is off and the room is quit. I wonder what she's doing now. A part of me wants for her to find rest and be fine, the other, the selfish one, is desperately begging for her to come here and beg me to let her stay.

I know how much she wants to make a good impression to my mother and this is the only thing keeping her away, but I somehow desire for her to be brave and careless. I want for her to be here. I know she can't sleep either.

Why does my mom have to be so oppressive and stressing the shit out of me? I will never understand that, but I need to investigate. She has something against my Grace and I want to know what is it so I can make it better.

At the same time this could be a good reason to ask Grace if she wants to move over in a place all ours. God I'm smiling like a freak, thinking about it. I mean yes, we live almost alone in this house, but it's not the same. A place where we both could return at the end of the day and cuddle. A shelter for my Grace where no one can reach or hurt her.

I may think about this a little tomorrow and start to look for something, just to have an idea. I'm not going to sleep another night away from her. I close my eyes and day dream about her and the way she would been waiting for me, maybe reading something as I get back from work. She would be beautiful and a good housekeeper other than a wonderful cooker. I mean, she has skills for this staff, even if she will never admit it.

Okay I'm really thinking about a place all for us now. and also fangirling over it. try to stop me.


Grace's POV.

I get up from bed and tie my hair up. all that sugar is seriously making me too brave and playing with my mind in a really dangerous way.

I snort and walk towards the door, tiptoeing as I pull it open careful not to produce any noise. I make enough room for me to sneak out and lead to Harry's room. I'm wearing the hood I was wearing when we went to the beach. Don't ask why, I wasn't calm enough to undress and wear something more comfortable.

I look around waiting to see Mrs. Thatcher popping out from nowhere and yell at me things like: '' you're going to take him to hell'' or '' you can't do that, It's inappropriate''

Like I fucking care at the moment. I enter in Harry's room and instantly feel better.

I'm no longer nervous because of the smell this room holds. It's a mixture of mint, male cologne and man scent. The same smell that Harry has. That's why I feel so fine when I'm in here. Kira's room is strange, kind of scary because I'm always feeling like I shouldn't be there, like I'm violated that place that once was of another girl.

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