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Harry's POV

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Harry's POV.

I've been searching for Grace for like one hour now and I don't actually know where she is. When I turned around in that fucking Hollister shop she wasn't behind me, so I thought she just left. I've checked my car but she wasn't there. I put all the bags in the trunk and walked back into Hollister to try to find her. She was nowhere to be seen I just start to going around like a mad man. I swear that if I found her, she's going to hear me scream very loudly. I left my phone at home so I can't even call her. I know she won't be leaving, I know that because I'm her driver, but I still feel a little uncomfortable to leave her wondering around on her own in this big place. She's not fragile and little at all, I'm aware of this, still I can't think I've just lost her here. I laugh to myself. She's going to freak out as soon as she doesn't find me right next to her. I rush to the second floor where there is Starbucks, maybe she's there to have some coffee while waiting for me. I reach to the corner and look through the windows. She's not here. I walk glaring around nervously. I'm starting to feel bad and concerned for Grace. Where has she gone? Is she okay? People are now leaving to go get their lunch meanwhile I still can't find my little girl. I reach the other side of the floor, nothing.

''Are you looking for someone Thatcher?'' I freeze in my place. This is not happening. Not now. I need to find Grace first, I can't deal with Dick number one and his little dick minions.

I turn around rolling my eyes and look at his little gang. There are five guys other than Christian and all with unknown faces. I look at the big clock on the wall. It's 1 p.m. Grace should be with Amanda. Maybe they are together and she's okay. Perhaps she's laughing and having a good time. I hope I don't run into her right now. I stroll past them however, a blond guy and a black haired one, suddenly grabs me by the arms and forces me into this isolated block. No one in sight except for them This is not going to end up well.

''So where is the little whore?'' Christian barks bravely. He's a coward. He's only talking to me because I'm blocked by two people and other three are all around me. He feels safe and protect.

''Her name is Grace, you dick,'' I spit the words and he rises one hand to make his little friends stop. They don't like offenses I see.

''Fine. Where is your little slut Grace?'' He says and I react by shaking both of his handyman off of me before taking a step towards him He shuts up instantly and I smile.

''Not so brave now, I see.'' His friends block me again, this time punching me on the stomach to make me a bit politer.

''Answer my question Harry. I'm already tired of you and it's only been like five minutes'' I can't tell him Grace is here, he will send his men to find her and he can't take her. He'll hurt her.

''She's home, waiting for me.'' I lie looking straight into his eyes. I'm always been a better player than him and he knows that.

''What a shame. Because I've seen her searching for you only moments ago.'' He's lying. We always play this stupid games and he always ends up losing it. Why doesn't he just give up?

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