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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

Next morning, I wake up because something pesky is tickling my nose, I lower my gaze to see a boy and his fastidious hair all over me. I sneeze twice before moving his head to the side, carefully.

I don't want to wake him, so I stand up cautiously, unwrapping his arms from my waist, put on my boots and walk to the window.

I unlock it and look down. It isn't too high so I can just jump and pray I won't break any part of my body. But then again, who cares at the moment.

I can't stay in the same room with this curly haired boy, he's dangerous and if any of my friends come knocking at the door and find me in bed with him, I'm totally fucked. So forgive me if I just want to go away from one of the biggest mistakes ever.

I don't recall a single thing from the other night but, maybe his gentle touch on my skin. The thought alone makes me shiver and blush at the same time.

I gulp and start to climb out of the window. I'm about to jump but someone rushes to me and pulls me inside. I crush against a body full of muscles and curse.

"Grace!" He screams in anger. I blink at him, astonished. He knows my name, great. Just great. What the hell did I do yesterday?

"Are you insane? You could've died!" I sit myself on his lap still blinking at him and his words. He talks like he knows me so well, like I'm someone he cares about. Do I know this boy? Did I forget about him?

I force myself to think about him but nothing comes. All black.

"Are you okay?" He whispers leaning to touch my cheek. I jerk him away and stand up faster than I should. As soon as I get on my feet, my head starts to spin and something in my body twists. I feel the need to puke.

"Don't fucking touch me you dick'' I fire back, looking around the room for something to use against him.

He freezes. His eyes looking at me like I was a madwoman. What the hell did I do?

"Don't you remember?" I raise an eyebrow and he licks his lips before going on with his bullshit "the nightmares, you asking me to kiss you, the bottle of vodka?" I blink with no emotion on my face, screaming internally. How does he know about my nightmares? He must be sick in the head. I rush to the door before he can get up. I unlock it and start to run as fast as I can down the stairs. At the bottom, I collide with a boy and fall at the ground.

I rise my head to make eye contact with Christian, who is now staring at me with wide eyes. He doesn't ask, just offers his hand to help pull me on my feet. I shake off some dirt on my clothes but I feel my legs get numb as soon as I hear footsteps coming from behind me.

"Grace!" Someone calls me angrily but I just look at Christian, who is now confused.

"What the..." I can't let him finish. I just bolt out of the door ignoring all the empty cups scattered on the kitchen floor.

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