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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

''Get in,'' he says opening the passenger seat for me to jump in. He's not glaring in my direction and I swallow hard trying to send away this lamp I have in my throat while getting in the car. I don't know if I feel more down or happy. I can't explain right know. I only look at him and take in every single inch of his face. Harry is so pissed off and hurt. I feel like I'm losing him, like I'm giving up on one of the most important things in the world just because I'm stubborn and stupid. Just because I'm not good with words and feelings. I feel like I've played around with him even if I didn't. I'm always been clear about this. We can't stay together but I really need him. his arms, his kisses, his words. they are like oil on my skin and they heal everything that is broken in my soul. He's my only chance to feel good and I'm looking him walking as far away from me as he can without doing anything. We drive in silence and I'm dying a little more every second because he's not looking at me. He's acting like I don't exist and the worst part is that even if I know I deserve it for the words I've said to him, I want him to stop acting like he doesn't care because I can't stand when he ignores me.

''Harry'' I try however my voice comes out uncertain and stumbling. Harry doesn't turn but I know he's listening. I can tell by the way his knuckles are whitening.

''Pull over,'' I command and he looks at me confused. I clear my throat and repeat it louder and clear.

''Pull the fucking over,'' I demand and he sighs but agrees. As soon as he parks the car on the edge of the road, he locks the doors and I force myself not to look up and curse. He does it only because he's afraid I'll running away in the night, he still cares so now I can't stop from smiling.

''There's nothing funny Grace. I'm mad at you more than you can imagine'' he says and I undo my belt.

''I know'' I whisper turning to look at him. I just need to stop thinking, that's what I need to let it go. I need to take off this weigh I have in my heart and tell him. once and for all I have to tell him. I climb on the top of him and he presses his back against the seat to gain some space but the car isn't that big.

''Grace, get off of me.''

He sounds so not convinced, meanwhile I put my arms around his neck. I'm really trying to make him forgive me using the sex? I really want to lose him is the real question. Am I not dispose to let him treat me the way I need to be treat. I need Harry. that's the only thought I let cross my mind right now. I can't imagine stay away from him even if it's only been a week. Call me fool but maybe I can give up on some things for him. he worth a lot. I think I care for him too much. The look he gave me before while I told him I didn't love him is enough to make me change my mind. I felt him slipping away from my fingers and I didn't like the feeling. I lean over and kiss the tip of his nose sweetly.

''Don't try to convince me Grace,'' he says but I feel his body relaxing under my touch.

His hands are on his side so I reach for them and place them on my hips, looking straight into his eyes. I drive them up under his hoodie and my tank top till they touch my bare skin, making the both of us shivering.

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