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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

The bell rings again and Charles climbs on the top of the ring, jumping inside. I pull myself up and try to climb in too but I can't move with this shoes.

''Alex, wake up mate. Don't black out now or he'll win. You still have a match to play and you need to win.'' I once more pull myself up using all the strength I can manage in my arms and finally hopping inside. Carefully to not fall and break a leg. I caress Alex's hair and wrap my arms around his waist. A referee comes to approach us and check on Alex who still is unconscious. He's going in and out of conscious and I'm scared to death.

''If he can't continue, I'm afraid the match is over'' he says looking down at my dark-boy.

I pull him a little more up, so now his head is resting on my shoulder and shout in Charles direction. His face is full of bruises and livid. I feel so bad for him. glaring at him it's like looking back at me. Looking at myself getting abuse by my dad without being able to do anything. I was too young and I couldn't protect myself. no one was there to rescue, no one cared. They were too busy to control their perfect lives but me, just like Alex, we made it just using our own forces. We grew up alone, and take everything life had to offers to us without complaining. Because we knew somehow we deserved it all we got. But we were too little to understand that the mistake wasn't our fault. life played us tricks after tricks and we fought to just exist, without really living watching as the others have everything we wanted. No one has ever shown us good things, and we always thought it was because we weren't enough so we tried hard only to fail again. Then we simply gave up on life until Harry came. I know what he says, Alex saved him but he healed out broken souls, he did something we didn't find the courage to do by ourselves because we thought we didn't deserve happiness and we just gave up. it was easier this way. But it's nothing easy in our lives and we can't just give up because people don't care. We need to get up and fight for the ones who cared because it will always be someone who truly loves you. I splash some water in Alex's face and he coughs wetting my bare skin. I hug him tight and caress his hair. his eyes flutter open and I smile to him.

''Grace,'' he says pulling a hand out to collect a tear. I'm crying and it's strange, because I'm not the kind of girl who likes crying in front of people but I feel so relieved that he's back. It's not just this though.

I feel like wrecking that stone that guard my heart for so long. I care about this dark-boy so much and I don't know why. But feelings are something you can just explain with words. they express themselves towards action and Alex showed me how much he cares. Maybe it's not so wrong believe in Good. Maybe it's not so fucked up to care about someone and finding out they care for you too. Maybe Harry is right I can love, I just don't know how to show my feeling. If this is love what I feel, then what was the things people let me buy as it? what was that feeling my father try to fooled me with using the word love? Isn't love destroying the other only to be the only one Happy in the end? Harry claims that he loves me, but he's definition is so different from what I've learned to know under that name? I'm broken but I can still be saved. I know this is not the right moment to cry but I feel good on doing it.

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