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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

It's been two weeks, December is close and me and Harry are studying hard for the last exams before Christmas holiday. Which was okay since Damian grounded me. yes, he did. And made sure I followed his command sending men to check on me every once in a while. even at Lee's I was watched, by Harry or by Lee himself. They didn't let me go out with Lily or even have a second of break, always working or with my nose on the books. Harry like a dog around me, telling me what to do.

His parents are out for two days so we have the house all for ourselves. It's been a while since the last time me and Harry had the chance to stay together without his noisy mom to put her nose in between us.

So I'm now in the shower deep in thought as the hot water is washing away all the stress caused by the events of these past moths. Today it's my dad's birthday since it's the 29th of November but I only remembered because Paul called and asked if I could go and check on him. I clearly told him I couldn't. He didn't insist, so I hang up soon after.

When this year started I lived with the lights off, I didn't have plans, I didn't have dreams. I only have one aim, that was stay as far away from my father as possible. Then Harry jumped in my path, he forced himself inside my heart and showed me a side of life I thought was forbidden to me.

I still remember the nerdy expression on his face the day at the cafeteria. The sorrow in his eyes, the exact reflection of mine. We have been through hell, always trying to win against people, always escaping from something, fighting most of the time but at the end, we always find a way to overcome everything. It's strange how he changed my life and fills it with his eyes, his smile and his way of loving me with no boundaries.

Before him, I was like a ghost, I felt nothing and care for no one. He didn't just give me his love, he gave the ability to love others, to trust them. he gave me the real concept of love. In every shades, good or bad that they were. And I have accepted them. before him I wasn't even able to say 'I love you'. the only thought disgusted me but now. it's like a sweet melody that comes out from my heart up straight to my lips and when he's the one saying it, my skin reacts like it does when he touches me. I feel better now. more self-conscious, happier. I've learned how to walk with the lights off.

Everything because of Harry.

I turn the water off and wear my undergarments along with Harry's button down shirt I picked from his closet. I buckle only half of it and dry my hair.

Harry is sited on the couch, papers on his lap. He looks so focused. He has a pencil in his hair and a rubber in his mouth.

He looks so beautiful when he acts like a nerdy boy. I path towards the back of the couch and slide my hands on his chest. He barely darts his attention away from the blank pages he has spread all over him, but I feel his body clearly relaxing almost immediately signalling me I have his whole attention.

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