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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

Harry comes into the shower with a hand on his face, smirking like an idiot.

"You can't tell me to go away, I am not looking," he plays the smart kid,

shaking his head from right to left and mocking me.

''You can stay, but you're still a pervert. No need to pretend.'' I rub my hair with the shampoo and enjoy the moment with the hot water on my skin.

"Well...'' he starts but I sneak my head through the curtains, narrowing my eyes.

''Don't you dare strip down from your clothes," I threaten him and close the water off, engulfing myself with the towel and exit.

I fall right into Harry's arms and he laughs a little. He had all this planned. Pervert.

''I love when I take you by surprise,'' he whispers and puts his lips to my forehead, descending slowly.

''Ah really?'' I pretend to be sceptical and cross my arms against my chest.

''Looking at that bulge shows that's not the only thing that you're enjoying right now. Like what you see?'' One of his hand sneaks under my towel and plays with my thighs.

''You're right, it's not the only thing'' he admits and I smirk, pushing him in the water, until he sits and I can climb at the top of him.

He bites down to my lower lip and I cross my arms around his neck, letting him open the fabric and revealing my naked body. He doesn't let it fall, he keeps it to the side of me and glares in my face.

''My bulge could really use a little kiss from its persecutor.'' I cup his face and follow his little advice.

''Mmh. Someone has just eaten whipped cream,'' I observe, aloud. Harry pulls me closer and I brush his nose with mine. ''And chocolate? And you didn't bring whatever it was to me so I could have some? That was low Mr. Thatcher.'' Harry shrugs his shoulders and carefully uses his hand to caress my stomach.

''Well, why do you need chocolate when you can have me.'' He kisses my cheek, then my jaw.

''But I wanted the chocolate,'' I cry like a little baby and Harry giggles.

''Don't do that, you make me hard.'' I take off some strands of his hair and use my finger to caress his lips. They are simply beautiful.

''You are always hard,'' I point out biting on his mouth and sticking my tongue out to lick it slightly.

''Your fault.'' I tug his hair, twisting some around my finger.

''You look tired Grace; we should go to sleep. June said we need a nap and then we can go to see the little festival down town," he suggests but I don't want to sleep. I'm so happy right now, with Harry with me, there is nothing I could ask for more.

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