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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

''Did you take the one on the table? Your mother put a lot of food in there'' I ask Harry as I search in the boxes on the ground.

We're moving all our stuff in our new apartment even if we're not going to move on till the end of December, we want to be ready.

Okay fuck I'm lying, to be honest, this is just an excuse to stay together, alone. Yes, we're always together but never alone, besides when we sleep.

I feel a bit tired, I'm not sleeping well. I'm kind of nervous for this huge thing me and Harry are doing, I mean, it's a serious thing, we're going to live together and I'm just nineteen, almost nineteen anyway. it's like we're making it official now.

''Nope, I forgot'' He says with a smirk on his face, his hair is pushed back by the bandana he's wearing, same color of his dark green jumper. I stare a bit into his figure and notice how much of a bear he is with his tall figure and his oversized clothes.

I roll my eyes and open the box for the Christmas decorations. Yes, we're going to decorate a tree Harry bought the other day. It's a medium sized tree but it's really nice, full of green and stuff. Emilia decided to give up some of her old Christmas decorations so that we could take care of our little tree. Little...is still taller than me so I guess it's nothing but little.

''The usual.. Tell me, blue or red? Which color do you want our tree to be like?'' I ask and Harry comes closer. I'm sited on the ground so he comes join me, sitting behind me so that I can lean against his chest.

''Blue, certainly. Like your eyes'' I poke him in the stomach, trying to get up and he wraps his arms around my waist forcing me down with him.

''My eyes are not blue, they're cyan'' Harry shakes his head and takes my chin with his two fingers, turning my head in his direction to look at me closely.

'' They can change color? yes! But usually they're blue, like the winter sea'' I shrug my shoulders and grab two bright blue balls. Harry slides with me on his lap, near the tree and without letting me get up, I start trick the tree up .

Harry focuses for like ten minutes and then his attention darts somewhere else. He moves my ponytail away from my neck and starts to leave little kisses all over me. I try to jerk him away, try to make him stop but is no use. I only make him chuckle at my try.

''You're nervous?'' he inquires as his mouth comes closer to my ear and I gulp down the lamp in my throat I have every time he's this close.

'' No'' I lie and Harry bites my earlobe, making me gasp.

''You have never been a good liar, don't think you can start now'' he states a bit harshly as I feel his hands massaging my back.

'' I can't think when you're tempting me, it's like when you get high. My mind is not clear'' Harry giggles and embraces me. I tilt my head back and press a kiss on his lips.

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