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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

My heart literally explodes in my chest when I see Alex adjusting his messy hair with one hand, placing his jacket on the couch with the other. I come out from my hiding and walk towards Alex shaking. I'm happy I have imagined things, I really am. I don't care If I'm going crazy it feels so good not to have him around. This place Is still my shelter, my safe place. My escaping from the world. I sigh in relief and rise the corner of my mouth to greet Alex. He nods and let himself fall into the couch, crossing his feet on the little table.

''Look who decided get up from bed'' Alex jokes around and I roll my eyes to him.

''Shut up.''

I chuckle taking a seat next to him, his warm arms against mine. He's wearing a black tank top and loose jeans but still he seems a model from the covers. I don't know how because he has all this tattoos but still he's attractive as fuck. I title my head back into the couch and look at the ceiling all the weariness is coming back filling my legs and my head. They feel so heavy and numb. My eyes flutter closing a little and I cuddle myself into a ball facing Alex who's now looking at me car fully.

''Are you okay?'' He asks leaning a little over. I feel his scent. Alex doesn't use cologne he has this natural smell that calms me down like I don't know what. I really like it. am I okay? No, after that little heart attack I think I only need Harry to calm me down but he's not here so I'm not fine at all. Still I feel worn out.

''I'm tired.'' I state and I feel his hand caressing my check awkwardly and his arm wrapping around my waist pulling me into his chest.

He doesn't like doing this and I can't even find the reason why he's doing it but I can't really thank him enough. it feels so good using him as a pillow. He takes out from the little table a remote and turn on the TV lowering the volume. I know he's slightly uncomfortable with me basically spread on his body but I find it kind of cute his try to make me feel as comfortable as possible. I'd like to thank Alex for this, to tell him that I'm not made of stone and that I feel for people even if I don't want to but I can't process the words, I'm too tired and I can't seem to open my mouth.


When I wake up it's really late like four in the evening. I've been sleeping for half of the day and I don't feel better, I feel even more tired. I shouldn't have slept that much. I rise my head and find Alex with his head on his hand snoring a little. I laugh a bit and move away from him. he starts and his eyes flutter open.

''Grace,'' he calls me and I smile at him. he sounds like a little baby. I think he's not sleeping too much lately because of the shit me and Harry put him through and I'm quite sorry.

''You should be the one babysitting me.'' I laugh punch him slightly on the arm and he grins rubbing his eyes.

'' I was asleep for ten minutes'' I rise my eyebrow and he puts his hands up to defend himself.

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