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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

I gulp loudly and stare and stare hoping he will disappear but he doesn't. he stays right inches away from me, with his eyes fixed on me.

For the first time in years, I can see their colour. They are really dark but a dark green, so full of sins and bad. so full of mistakes and guilt.

''Grace'' he breaks the silence in between us and I snap back to reality. He looks different, sober and with his mind free from his nightmares. Strange almost, like that night at my house. There is no madness, no rage. Just, something I'm not used to see, humanity.

''I've been waiting for this moment for so long since you left.'' I wet my lips and feel the rest of my body numb. How long has been here, in the same house with me? Did... oh my.

''Waiting? Waiting? How long have you been around this house?'' I ask not really wanting the answer.

''Weeks, you even saw me but you thought were hallucinations. I was just trying to have a word with you, I didn't want to kill you,'' he defends himself but I feel like someone is stroking me.

He's killing me one more time, taking what's left. I can't do anything to prevent this to happen. We are both broken and made of the same substance, we're the bad, me and him. because he's my father and he's part of me. he will always be a part of me. And I want to hate him but I only end up hating myself more for not finding the force or the courage to pull him away one last time.

''How are you Grace?'' he inquires and I nervously burst into a hysterical laugh, bending down on my knees to catch my breath. He can't be serious, can he?

''That's a really funny joke'' I gesture in his direction and straiten myself again, crossing my arms to my chest. I'm wearing Harry's shirt and nothing else, he knows it but somehow trying his best not to acknowledge it, because he will snap and strangely he wants to keep calm. He hates knowing me with another man and now I can even understand why, after what mom did. Still, I don't even know if it's true.

''I came to tell you something, something you need to know'' Paul's words sound in my head, making it hurts a little. I want to forget them but he's a constantly remainder of everything bad and wrong in my life. How can I go on if he's always keeping me back playing with my past all over again?

''Save it, Paul already told me the story. You have been a monster since ever. You know something, I thought I couldn't have never hated you more than I already did, but I was wrong'' his figures harden and he balls his fist, I know what will happen now, I'm just tired of giving in, I want to fight him. I'm done being a coward. He walked in this house, Harry's house without permission, calming he needs to talk but you know what? I'm not letting him this time. what would have happened if Harry was with me? I can't even imagine it, I need to protect him from my father. he's my mistake, not his.

''Paul doesn't know the truth Grace and neither do I actually, not all the truth at least but, you mother does'' he states and takes a step forward, I signal Nancy to jump in my hands and act nonchalantly, as if he's not my worst nightmare.

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