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Harry's POV

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Harry's POV.

She simply stands there, with a lost look on her face. I come a little closer but I don't find the strength to touch her.

"Grace" I call. The only thing that I can see is her back, covered by my jacket. She doesn't move and I start to panic. What if she decides to stay with him?

"Come home with me Grace. There's nothing else here for you."

She wraps her arms around her body. Her voice comes out shaky and distant. "You're right. I have nothing left." It cracks at the end and my heart jumps. I feel so bad for her after my words. Sometimes I should just be quite.

"You can have me Grace. I know I'm not much and maybe you hate me, but... I can try and be what you need me to be, I can try to be enough for you. Don't make him control you Grace, you're stronger than you think. Cut him off from your life, do it tonight once and for all and come home with me, now." She shrugs her shoulders and turns around to face me. I stay still, afraid of what could have happened next. She takes one step closer to me and I watch as the pain twists in her face. Something is not right, I'll check as soon as we get home, if she ever decides to come with me.

"I can't walk." She says, my face crosses with an astonished expression because she's finally deciding on going home with me, she's finally chosen me.

"O-oh. No problem." I stutter, reaching for her. I grab her legs with my good arm and with the other I simply wrap it around her back.


I close the door behind me. Grace gets down, barely standing straight in her place. I run one hand through my hair before leading her to the couch in the middle of the living room. She sits down. I don't know what to do, she's looks cold. I turn on the heater and clap my hands, rubbing them together, trying to warm myself up. I didn't know it was so cold around here. Maybe that's what I get after spending the entire night in a t-shirt and some jeans, sitting on a wet pavement. I go to check Grace and find that she's almost asleep. I can't let her sleep in those clothes, she's going to get sick; therefore, I decide to make some tea first and then help her to shower. I flush at that thought but I quickly compose myself. Now's not the right time.

"Grace..." I whisper and her eyes flutter open, the only answer I get back is a silent moan.

"I'm making tea, come with me in the kitchen." It comes out more like a question but it wasn't intended to be one. I'm so fucked up at the moment. I don't know what to do, where I can touch her, if I have to let her sleep because she had a really tough day. I've never been in this kind of situation before and it's pretty exhausting.

"Come." I say whilst I lift her with my only good arm. The other one is hurting so fucking much that my eyes are almost watering. I place her down on the counter and boil the water for our tea. I grab two mugs and put two filters of lemon tea in them, my favourite. I glance at Grace over my shoulder whilst I prepare all the tea, she's standing straight but with difficulty, she's really tired. Her head is rocking back and forth; her hands are shaking. I'll have to get her out of those wet clothes as soon as possible. I fill the two cups with the water and pour in some sugar. As soon as it's ready I give it to Grace.

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