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Harry's POV

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Harry's POV.

I'm driving fast, too fast. Grace is curled up in her seat, trying to control herself. I don't have a destination, I only press my foot on the pedal and drive. I want to find a place where no one can take her away from me. I sound like a psychotic but I don't care. you don't know how my heart his hurting right now. how I can only see all red for the rage.

''Harry'' her voice reaches for me but it's so distant, so foreign. Her finger brushes on my forearm and I jerk it away, making the car slightly skids.

''Don't touch me!'' I'm so afraid of what I could do to her, I'm so upset, so out of myself because I saw how she was smiling back at him. it's not that I don't want him in her life, I'm just jealous because he can give her that kind of love pure and unconditional that I will never be able to even feel for her. because I'm fucked up and I love her so much, maybe too much that my heart burns, every time I look at her. I not only feel the need to protect her and guard her but also to keep her and have her. I'm possessive and I can't help it. we were doing so well before he came.

''Harry.'' she tries again but I ignore her. she unbuckles her seat belt and turns to look at me. she shouldn't be taking it off, something twists in my stomach but still I can't wake up,'' slow down Harry. what's wrong?'' I take a turn on the right and she ends up against the door. Exactly.

I see her trembling with the corner of my eye but I don't find the force to stop. Because if she goes away then there will not be anything else left of me. she will destroy everything because she's my everything.

''Harry!'' she starts to raise her voice alarmed by my lack of talking. ''Stop the car!'' my sight is clouded so I shake my head and get free of the tears that I don't want to let fall.

''Harry... are you ok?'' she gasps and I turn to look at her pale face'' oh my god Harry. stop the car'' she covers her face and I get back in front of me. bad moment to look away from the street. something runs right in front of my car, cutting my road. I black out for a second.

That's when I see my life passing right in front of my eyes. my childhood is fast before everything slows down and I watching as I fell for Grace, the way her eyes fell for me every day a little more. When we made love for the first time, when we kissed. The time we had fought only to made up a little after. It seems that nothing was more important than her. she is my world that's the thing here, if she goes away, I'm nothing. I pull a hand out and press it against her stomach as I hit the breakers. The car stops eventually after a loud noise and the first thing I do is check if she is okay. Grace isn't hurt, but she could have, since I'm a fucking dumbass and she wasn't wearing any belt because she wanted to calm me down. I don't notice I'm still fisting her shirt until she jerks it away. Her breath is the only thing I can hear as she opens the car and starts to walk. She looks scared, scared of me.

Where is she going?

I'm quick to get off too and follow her. ''Grace'' I call but she doesn't answer, she keeps patting, her hair moving by the wind. I can't see her face but I know she is upset; I was about to kill her with a car accident. What in hell crossed my mind.

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