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''Oh, sure

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''Oh, sure. No problem,'' I say to my neighbour and she smiles pointing to the little girl with dark hair and blue eyes.

''Harry,'' Maya says opening her arms for me. I lean down and take her inside. This girl is the sweetest baby girl in the world, I adore her so much. She is eight but she's smart.

''Thanks Harry. You don't know how this will help me.'' I hold Maya with one arm as she basically traps my breath holding me too tight whilst her mother, Nicole, occupies my other. Too much love, I think I'm going to suffocate.

Eventually Nicole goes away and squeezes both of my cheeks. She's in her late thirties, with the same hair as Maya but darker eyes.

Her husband basically ran away when he discovered she was pregnant and never showed up again so she was forced to bring up the baby all alone. She did a great job though, because Maya is polite and gentle and with a big heart. She doesn't feel the absence of a dad too much and I guess this is only because she has a wonderful mom that is always ready to fight against everything for her daughter.

In the past it was almost daily that I got the chance to watch Maya for a couple of hours since my neighbour has a job that takes up most of her time. She can't afford to pay a babysitter so I offered my help for free, because I love babies and especially Maya. She was surprised and didn't want to disturb me but I spent hours trying to convince her it was okay, I had nothing to do anyway. These were the only time I was sober for hours. I usually set down in the living room with Maya and played the strangest games. Kira sometimes came to join us and we spent a lovely time, then, I started to be a jerk even more and well, you know how the story ended.

''Thanks Harry, my boss is stressing me out. I know you have school but I will call your mother and explain. Thank you Harry,'' she says again and after a quick wave, I close the door and walk to the couch where a really curious Grace, with red cheeks and sleepy eyes is staring at the little girl in my arms.

Maya and Grace studied each other for a little while like two curious animals and then Maya pulls at my shirt to get my attention. I look into her blue eyes and she whispers in my ear.

''There is a girl sitting on your couch Harry.'' I smile and whisper back. This is like a game for her and I love playing with her. She's fun.

''I know.'' Maya gestures for me to get down and I let her slide until she hits the ground with her tiny feet, still not looking at anything but Grace.

Grace brushes her upper hand under her nose, like a little hamper and Maya tilts her head on the side, amused by her movement. When Grace notices it, she stops scratching her face and looks slightly embarrassed.

I help Maya sit on the table in front of the couch while I take a seat next to Grace.

''Okay'' I say interrupting the silence and gulping down. I really hope Grace doesn't cause a scene because I don't think she's the kind of girl who likes children. ''Well Maya, this is Grace. '' I start but Maya cuts me off.

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