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Harry's POV

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Harry's POV.

I'm fucking dying in this bed without Grace. The lack of her hands on my body, the way her head rests on my chest and her hair falls all around.

I've been going around in this room for hours, without finding anything interesting to do. I don't even turn the TV one because I know it will annoy me to death.

I throw the duvet away and walk till I'm out of the room and face the sky over me. I look up to see the starts and smiling like an idiot. They shine like Grace's eyes but they are not as beautiful. I imagine her in my arms, pointing to this sky and I feel empty because she's not here. i feel like the dark sky, lost without his lights.

I can't take it anymore so I get out of the room and lead to Grace's. I'm about to knock when the door next to hers cracks open and Paul's slides out, wearing long pyjamas pants and a white tank top.

''Fantastic'' I say sighting and turning around but he grabs me by the forearm.

''Don't,'' I jerk him away ''fucking touch me you prank'' I say and I look into his face, he's tired and I bet he hasn't sleep to wait for this moment. What a psycho.

Doesn't he sneak in his girlfriend's room to stay with her, her parents are a little too much old style for my liking, I mean do they know their daughter fucks Paul anyway don't they?

''Shh'' he says pointing to the room. ''They are sleeping, be quite. Come with me'' I cross my arms around my chest and he presses me to follow him. I'm sure Grace is not sleeping.

''My girlfriend is waiting for me, if you excuse me'' he pushes me away just when I am about to touch the door handle.

''You heard the ma'am, no shared room,'' oh, how sweet all this brother love all of a suddenly. He pushes me down the stairs and I bite my lips not to punch him in the face.

Okay, I'm nervous and upset because I didn't get the chance to sleep with my Grace and I'm so tired that I will fall asleep any moment.

We step into the kitchen and Paul takes out two bowls, a box of cereals and milk.

He pours the milk and then adds the cereals passing the first plate to me. I shake my head and he shrugs taking a spoon and starting to eat.

''Why are we here? It's not that I like you or anything'' I casually say sitting on the stool. He smiles chewing to his food.

''Oh, don't worry. The feeling is mutual. Just need to ask you something'' he takes another spoon before finally looking at me. his eyes are really dark, just like his dad's ones and I can't see anything similar to Grace. maybe because I don't want to see. He's dirty and there is no humanity in his eyes, no love. Only cold calculations. Nothing sweet or honest. Grace is the exact opposite. She's pure and beautiful and she's not with me right now.

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