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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

The rain is starting to fall down heavily while we sit on the couches. Eleanor in next to me along with my brother, my dad is sited on the arm of our couch luckily on the opposite side. Eleanor parents are across on the other couch. Her mother, Scarlett, is a really beautiful woman. Blonde hair, green eyes and the same shapes and almost curves of Eleanor. She seems really young with her little dress of hers. Her husband which name stays unknown to me, on the contrary is her exact opposite. Dark hair, blue eyes and all covered in a suit. They both look expensively dressed but Eleanor dress is something you can't explain, the fabric embraces her skinny, curve less body perfectly. It's brown with sparkles all over and her high heels are really dangerously high. She's already tall but with them on, she seems a giant. Always in a good way because she's cool whatever she decides to wear. Her blonde hair is curled up and she's wearing red lipstick and light eyeliner only to underline her wonderful blue eyes. Me on the contrary, I'm dressed like always I don't feel the need to overdressing just because they are rich people. I like to be myself and not follow the mass. But then how can I be myself, if Harry left me? I feel like missing that important part of me. My boy. His curls and his dimples. I feel their essence under my finger, disappearing little by little.

''Grace,'' Eleanor calls me pointing her judging eyes on my figure. ''I was saying, how good your grades were at school,'' she presses and I just nod, gaining a strange look from her father. this is weird for me, maybe this is the first man who doesn't look at me like a piece of meat but like a person. He places his elbows on his knees and crosses his finger studying me carefully.

''Good grades are important,'' he states and I lose myself for a second, only to look how young he will be if he get rid of his fancy, horrendous suits.

''The worst grade I ever took was a C. Usually I keep myself on B's but it's not always possible since I have no time for studying.'' My eyes darting to my father, icing him with my glare. I want him to disappear so I can relax. I want him to explode and never come back. Paul burst into laughter to ease the tension.

''She's joking; she has good grades. A lot of A's and B's,'' he states and Eleanor smiles at him. she looks so nice when she stares at my brother, like she can really feel for him.

Same goes with Paul. They will have a wonderful life one day. If only they stop caring about others. Otherwise it will destroy them. no one can save them if they give the power to others to take down what's theirs.

''If you get A's and B's without putting so much effort girl, you're smart. Imagine what you could do if you apply yourself.'' Eleanor's father encourages me by putting a thumb up. I find myself smiling while I feel the gaze of my dad on me. I gulp loudly.

''Tell me something about you, Grace.'' Eleanor's mother is trying to keep everything polite. She cups her face with her hands. Her dress is too much revelling for a woman of her age, even if she's gorgeous. I find difficult to focus on her face to be honest.

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