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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

The photoshoot was really funny but as everything's funny, it has to come to an end. it is around seven in the evening and we need to go because Harry's mom is waiting for us.

June forced me into this light pink short dress that has a dark belt with a ribbon in the middle. She said I need to look nice but I don't know how I will ever look nice when I basically have my hands covered in bruises. Anyway Harry hasn't left my body not even for a second since I'm wearing it and I can't tell it doesn't please me.

We're in his car and his hand is on my leg, as always, only that he's nervous for God knows what reason.

''Something's wrong?'' I ask, luckily I convinced June to let me wear Converse under it otherwise I would have never walked out of that changing room.

Harry clears his throat and brushes his thumb on my bare skin. He's sweating.

''N-no. just over thinking'' he states and I get curious, shifting on the side so now I'm looking at him straight in his face.

''About what?'' I press and Harry gulps down, peaking at me as to say, you're not asking it for real, but I am.

''Well, if you insist, I'm thinking about you and how many positions I can make you bend over to make you scream for me'' I whiten and Harry starts to laugh. I poke him and pretend to be pounding as I pull the hem down to cover my thighs as much as I can.

''Fuck. This is the last time I'm dressing like this'' I say with a sassy expression as I fold my hands to my chest in disappointed. The reality is that I'm so amused by the effect I have on him.

''No'' Harry whines puffing like a little child and I giggle, leaning on his shoulder. He puts his arm around me and kisses me swiftly on the temple before returning to glare at the road. His hand is squeezing my side but I let him. it's so reassuring and comfortable.

''I can't stop thinking about you at the top of me with that dress on, it's just doesn't get out of my mind and-'' I roll my eyes and face palming myself. I know he's doing this because I know I will feel guilty or something and make his fantasy reality and I try to resist but I just can't help to comply at his request, falling right into his trap. Well I guess I've never liked falling as much as I like falling for Harry. so it's okay.

''Pull over'' I state and Harry makes me the fakest surprised face ever with his mouth open to form an 'O'. yes, sure I'm going to believe that. Harry doesn't say anything else before following my order. I unbolt myself and climb at the top of him, his hands are on my thighs almost immediately, pulling the dress up so he can touch me better. He's so warm and gentle.

''You know you shouldn't have right?'' he says turning serious in a manner of second. I nod knowing he's referring about the fact that I'm wearing something I'm not used to, only to try and make his mother think I'm not exactly a slut that is trying to take her son away. But I feel the need to, because Harry did so many things to please me and this is the least I can do, even if I know he will love me anyway.

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