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Grace's POV.

I take a seat on the little table. Harry is towering over me with his eyes glued to my father's every move. This is going to be awkward.

''Where do I start?'' my father says looking down at his intertwined fingers. Harry, behind me shifts uncomfortably from one foot to another, trying his best to control himself. I know this is hard for him, seeing me this close to the man that basically ruined my life. It was a life that Harry had put together, he'd fixed every scar and every cut my father left on my skin and my memory.

''What does he want from you? What did you do?'' I press, to give him something to begin with. His dark green eyes raise to meet mine and I don't look away. I stand up to his glare and I fight for dominance, showing him I am not afraid. In the end, it's him who lowers his gaze in embarrassment. I would say I feel proud but it doesn't explain what I feel inside of my body right now. It's too overwhelming to describe.

''To him? Absolutely nothing,'' he says and I huff in frustration. ''I've never even met him properly.'' I wait and wait for him to add anything else but he doesn't. We can't keep playing this game, I'm getting tired, if he doesn't want to tell me anything, then so be it. I'm fucking done waiting for him.

''George, if you don't speak, then I will leave and never come back,'' Harry takes a step forward, pointing his finger to my dad, an evil grin on his face.

''Which, may I add, is something I highly recommend,'' I roll my eyes and ignore him.

''I only want to know the truth George.'' He cringes every time I call him that, that's why I'm carrying on with this. It's right for him to feel the loss. He's slowly realizing that his daughter is slipping away from him. I hope this will wake him up. I hope this will hurt him the way it is hurting me.

''Don't call me that Grace. Don't call me that,'' he takes his head in his hands and bites his lower lip, his eyes shutting. He's shaking. I push my guilt away and gulp the lump in my throat.

''But you do deserve it. You're nothing to me, nothing more than a shadow in my past. I'm trying to give you a last chance but you simply can't see it. You keep guarding your secrets for god knows why, without understanding that you're losing me for real this time.'' I pass a hand through my hair and sigh, looking to Harry over my shoulder, he's so sorry for this. I can tell by the fire that is burning inside his eyes. He wants revenge from the man that is barely controlling himself in front of me. How pathetic does he look now?

''Tell me something I don't know George. I'm begging you to make me stay,'' I say frustrated and I see his hands shaking while he places them on his knees.

''Ask Grace. Ask and I'll tell you,'' he adds finally and licks his lips, his glare is blank, dead. No life is left inside of his body.

''My mom. Why did she leave? What did you do to her?'' I ask. I know this is maybe the dumbest question but it's what I need to hear. I need to erase the dark shadow he had thrown on her memory. I really need to know she's not the bitch my brother and him made me believe she is.

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