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(Tsuyu POV) I couldn't believe what im seeing. the kind Izuku that im used to seeing isn't here the Izuku i see before me is terrifying. he fought ruthlessly and and he changed to a half dragon and now he changed again. he is a dragon and he is putting them down hard Overhaul is the only one left and Izuku is staring him down. Overhaul leaned forward and Izuku opened his mouth and i can see the glow of fire and Overhaul froze. the dragon shrunk and Izuku stood there with rage in his eyes. 

(Overhaul POV) he is in his human form again i wanted to strike him while he was in his dragon form it would be hard not to miss but when he opened his mouth and i saw the orange glow i froze. once he was human again he looked at me and told me i should never have threatened his family. i slam my hand to the ground and send stone spikes flying at him and he stood there and took the hit and nothing. not even a scratch i need to touch him if i can touch him i could end this. i go to sprint forward and then my feet were taken out from under me. he never moved i quickly roll and i saw a silhouette moving i slap my hand to the ground and spikes shoot out and he moved in a blur and lifted the blur and i heard a girl cry out in pain. 

(Izuku POV) Overhaul got his legs taken out from under him it was Tsuyu oh no this isn't good. he's going to try to kill her i move to grab and lift her and a spike got her in her calf i can feel my rage boil over. i look over at Overhaul who is getting up trying to run away again. i leap and come down he rolled out of the way slapping the ground again and i shift my density and slam my foot down on the ground destroying the spikes before they can form. he tried sprinting away i sprinted towards him and punched him right above his shoulder blades. he dropped screaming out in pain i heard his back break. i hurry over to Tsuyu i tell her to relax that im going to pull the spike out then i was going to heal her. 

(Tsuyu POV) Izuku dropped Overhaul viscously he came over to me he looked concerned. the Izuku i knew was starting to show again he looked at my calf and pulled. then he touched my leg and started chanting my leg felt warm then the pain was gone. when he finished he looked into my eyes his eyes were still cat like i felt like he was looking into my soul. he apologized to me for not being fast enough. i slapped him i told him that he is such a reckless fool. do you know how dangerous your opponents were. how do you think Eri would have felt if she were to lose you? how Ochaco or Momo would have felt? did you even think about how i would have felt?

(Izuku POV) I pulled her in and hugged her and she began to weep and shake and i just held her. when she stopped shaking i let her go i apologized to her and said i need to finish what i started and turned away from her and walked over to Overhaul. i could see the hate in his eyes in his face. 

(Overhaul POV) my body isn't moving I'm paralyzed from the neck down and the boy is now walking towards me. do you think that you have won my allies will hunt down your family and they will kill them you will never know a day's peace. i will get my revenge by making you suffer before i kill you. he just stood there looking at me he bent closer to me touched my back and my pain went away but i still had no control over my limbs. my phone started to ring and he pulled it out of my pocket and answered.  

(Izuku POV) I answered the phone before i could speak the voice said i still can't find his family and i spoke looking down at Overhaul and said. Overhaul isn't available anymore and if you touch a hair on any of my family members head i will find you no mater what rock you crawl under and you will share Overhaul's fate and hung up the phone and crushed it. i saw his face change from anger to fear. you have people looking for my family you tried to kill me and you hurt someone i care for. i should just leave you here to rot in this forest that's what you deserve and if they ever find you they would think that you committed suicide to compensate for all of your sins. then i felt arms wrap around me and say that's enough we won please don't let him make you worse. 

(Tsuyu POV) as i heard what Izuku was saying i run up behind him and hug him begging him to stop. i heard the anger in his voice when he said that this man doesn't deserve mercy and told me about how Eri had scars both mentally and physically. how this man drugged Ochaco and kidnaped both Ochaco and Eri. i said in my softest voice and said how do you think they would feel if you did that? Eri looks up to you is that what you want to teach her? i heard his voice crack and he lowered his head he said no. he asked me to call Ochaco and have her anonymously call the police and he walked away dragging the big guy back with him. we waited until we heard the sounds of people comming and then we hid high up in the tree tops that remained it was the police. we saw the look of surprise on their faces when they saw the devastated land and the villain's they caught. we stayed hidden until they left then Izuku spoke to me i could hear the pain in his voice.

(Izuku POV) Thank you Tsuyu if it wasn't for you i think that i might have made a really bad decision. i think that i need to reflect on some of my choices. i really thought about just leaving him there to rot. i think that i really need to leave this place lets go home. i took Tsuyu to the dorms and asked her if she needed anything and she said no i told he that i would see her tomorrow and that i needed to be alone for awhile and thanked her one more time. i hugged her and then i went home. i laid down on the sofa and when i woke up Ochaco was holding my hand sitting on the floor next to me. i sat up and hugged her when she hugged me back and said thank you for what you did and i broke.

Author see you soon

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