A Daddy's gift

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(Izuku POV) i put my little rabbit down and told her i need to change. how about i take you back to your mommies. after class we'll do something special just to make you happy how does that sound.

(Eri POV) you promise daddy? 

(Izuku POV) i promise but let's hurry do you want for me to carry you and run or would you like to fly with me? 

(Eri POV) really i want to fly but not too high ok i think that might be a little scary. 

(Izuku POV) ok my little rabbit turn around and let me hold you when she turned from me i pick her up from behind in a backwards hug release my wings and lift off she squealed in delight. as we flew to the monitoring room. once we got there i put Eri down and she ran to Ochaco and Momo.

(Eri POV) Mommy i got to fly with daddy. it was fun i was a little scared at first but it was fun as the wind was in my face. 

(Ochaco POV) i looked at her and smiled and said i haven't even flown with your daddy yet. then i shot Izuku a look that let him know that i'm going to be the next one to fly with him.

(Izuku POV) i saw the look Ochaco gave me as i left to change. i think i need to take her and Momo for a flight before they beat me up. but first things first i need to do something for the three of them. i've been gone for what seems like forever. plus i need to give Momo and Eri a tear gem so that i can find them. once i was done changing then girls were waiting for me by the bus. when we got inside i asked Momo to book a room for us at that Karaoke place we went to last time. 

(Momo POV) Really!!! i'll make the arrangements do you want me to invite anyone else from our class?

(Izuku POV) i don't want to sound selfish but i just want it to a family thing just you, Ochaco, Eri and myself. i've really missed you and i want it to be all about us.

(Momo POV) ok Honey i'll make the phone call 

(Izuku POV) once we returned to class i was overwhelmed with everyone asking me how i was doing and trying to figure out what i did for the month i was gone. some of the class suggested we do something special. i smiled and told them not today i have something planned with my family.  once class was over we went home and got ready for tonight i told the girls i had something to take care of and went into the room in the basement. i had a gold hord inside of it i had asked Bahamut to help me forge two rings and one pendant when i was training with him. i found them in a box set apart from the rest of the gold and gems. i focused my thoughts when i worked on their gift each was a powerful thought a special moment that i shared with them. so i will always know which gem belonged each of my girls. Ochaco's was when i opened my eyes that fateful night and she looked into them. Momo's was when she looked at me and told me all she wanted from me was my love. Eri's was when she called me daddy for the first time. once i set then stones i placed them in my pocket and went to join my girls. 

(the girls POV) when we arrived at Karaoke Barn we could see Izuku looking happy and a little nervous. but he asked for us to sit and stood in front of us.

(Izuku POV)  i have a gift for each of you it's a special gift i hope that you like it i gave Ochaco her ring first and she began to cry i gave Momo her ring next and she also began to cry i ave Eri her pendant and her eyes glowed she was so happy. each looked at their gift at the gem and Momo said it was the most beautiful emerald she's ever seen. i corrected her it's not an emerald its my tear. each one it crafted from a memory special to each of you. i hope that you love it as much as i love each of you.  

(Eri POV) daddy you treat me good i've only caused you and my mommies trouble i don't think i deserve this. 

(Izuku POV) i pick the pendant up from her hand and i put it on her and kissed her forehead. Eri you have been a blessing you have done nothing but bring joy to my life. your the main reason this family is together today. i love you with all of my heart and i know that both Ochaco and Momo feel the same way. you make me want to be the best dad in the world please let me sing you a song. its for my daughter by Kane Brown.

(Momo POV) my heart is going to burst first i get the beautiful ring from Izuku then i hear him tell Eri how he feels i can't take it how is he so kind he told us about his past and now this song. i want to see him raise our children i'd give him as many as he wants.  

(Ochaco POV) a ring made of gold and his tear a part of him that will always be with me. i want to give him a part of me to always be with him a child so he could love it as much as he loves us. i need to talk with him about it. 

(Izuku POV) when i was done singing to Eri she was hugging me crying. this was the first time that she was crying not because she was in pain or scared or because of a nightmare. she was crying because she was happy. a few seconds later i felt Momo and Ochaco join us in our hug. and i felt like the luckiest man in the world. when we released the hug i looked into Eri's amber eyes when she told me that she's so happy that im her dad.

Author see you soon.

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