The trap is set

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(Izuku) After months of training with his family making sure that they would be able to properly defend themselves. They continued practicing by fighting three vs one switching up opponents to keep it different. Eri joined them in their sessions he didn't push her as hard as the others because she was so young. Her face lit up the first time he let her practice with them that from that moment on he let her train. He loved Eri and he knew that he was doing this mostly for her. He also knew that he would do what ever it takes to keep her safe and to protect her smile. He loved all of his family and it would kill him if anything happened to them. Ochaco came over to me and said can we talk. I looked at her and said of course sit with me then she said i want to talk to you alone. i said ok i pick her up and she holds onto my neck i release my wings and we flew off to the woods when i landed and said what's wrong.

(Ochaco POV) Izuku im ready. He looked at me confused and asked what are you ready for? I begin to blush I'm ovulating i want you give me a child i want to have a part of you growing in me i love you and it hurts me to know that another woman is going to have your baby first. please could you make love to me and make my wish come true.

(Izuku POV) i pull her into my chest and i hug her i place my hand under her chin and lift her head. i look into her eyes and i lean down and kiss her.

_________________Lemon WARNING_______________

(third person POV) as he kisses her he lowers his hand from her chin and begins to grope her breast she lets out a soft moan. hearing her moan starts to push him over the line he begins to strip her down she starts tearing at his clothing. dropping down on her knees pulling down his pants and she takes him into her mouth he rips off his shirt. she stood up and said there is only on place your going to finish today. he gently laid her down on their clothing and gently began working himself in her. she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him in to her this was too much for him and he came inside her bloating her belly. she looked at him and said were aren't done yet gently using her legs to begin pumping him in and out of her. it didn't take long for him to get hard as a rock again he grabbed her rolling her over and pulling her up to her knees and began working her over doggie style until they climaxed together. as he pulled out of her he laid down and she curled up next to him placing her head on his chest

_________________Lemon ending_______________

(Ochaco POV) I love you Izuku. right now i feel like im going to pop im so full.

(Izuku POV) I love you too im sorry i hurt you.

(Ochaco POV) Izuku I'm scared that something might go wrong and your going to be alone with them. i don't want to lose you. i know that your strong but are you sure this is going to work. what if they kill you. Eri would be devastated you have to make it back promise me that your going to make it back.

(Izuku POV) kiss Ochaco's forehead and promise her that I'll do everything in my power to come home. Lets go back before the rest of the family begins to worry. after we got dressed i picked Ochaco up and took off flying us home when i saw Eri sitting on the front porch waiting for us.

(Eri POV) i saw dad and mommy Ochaco land and went running up to him i want to go for a ride. dad just smiled at me and said ok we can go for a quick flight. he asked if i wanted to hold on to his back or do i want him to carry me. can you carry me and drop me like you did last time i thought that was fun.

(Ochaco POV) Izuku you did what!!!

(Izuku POV) Eri that was supposed to be our secret.

(Eri POV) I'm sorry but it was so much fun. i wanted to know what it felt like to fly by myself so he told me to hold my arms out like a plane and when i did he let go. i was scared at first but then he caught me. mom it was so much fun you have to try it one day.

(Ochaco POV) you can go for a quick flight but no flying solo do the two of you understand me.

(Izuku POV) when we returned from our flight we entered the house just in time for dinner when i walked in i received dirty looks from all of the girls. Ochaco told Eri to go wash up so we could eat. when Eri left the room the girls all began to yell at me. telling me that i was crazy for playing with Eri that way. i didn't say a word and when Eri returned it was like nothing happened I'll never really understand women. after we ate dinner i read Eri her bed time story as she sat on my lap. we both fell asleep on the rocking chair i woke up with Ochaco holding my hand pulling me into the bedroom while i was floating.

Time skip one month

(Izuku POV) we finished our sparing matches and i looked at all of the girls and said were ready. and i was going to talk to All Might and let him know the plan its time for us to take the fight to them.

(Author POV) sorry for taking so long to write this i lost two family members and I've been having a hard time trying to get myself back together. i will be finishing this story soon.

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