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Izuku pov) As i enter the house i have six sets of angry eyes staring me down. Ochaco, Momo, Tsuyu, Mina, Toru and Jiro. Hi i said.

Momo pov) Really you left a random note saying your going to be gone for a couple of day's you miss class Eri has been worried sick about you. You didn't pick up your phone when we tried calling you. 

Ochaco pov) Izuku we know your strong at a level we really don't understand but that doesn't mean that we don't worry. 

Tsuyu pov) Izuku do you not trust us? Do you think so little of us. That you have to leave a note instead of waking us up and telling us. 

Izuku pov) I hang my head in shame and say its not that. I trust you with my life. I love you with all of my heart. You are the the first connections that i have made in my life. You all bring joy and love into my life. I will do anything to protect you. I will go after anyone that threatens you to keep you safe. Because if anything happened to you because of me i could never forgive myself. These mad men threatened you the people i love and i will not allow then to hurt a single hair on you heads. i could feel the anger building in my chest my eyes shifted as i clenched my fists. i looked up as i felt a tear run down my face.

Girls pov) The girls listened to Izuku they saw the hurt in his eyes. Then the hurt turned into anger. His eyes began to shift as the thought of us getting hurt angered him. When he began to cry we rushed him we hug him.

Ochaco pov) Izuku did they threaten us?

Izuku pov) Yes. Tomura Shigaraki put a bounty out on my head and is planning on using you to get to me. He works directly of AFO he is the one that injured All Might. The two that i caught today told me that. This isn't going to end until those to are in custody.

Momo pov) Who did you catch today?

Izuku pov) I caught the one that hurt Mina i waited until the hero's picked them up then left the area. My next target is to go after is Shigaraki i refuse to let anyone who targets my loved ones do as they please. 

Eri pov) Is daddy home?

Izuku pov) Yes I'm here my little rabbit the girls back away from me so Eri can see me. She squealed and ran to me jumping into my arms. I picked her up and kissed her cheeks she began telling me how much she missed me. Hearing this made me want to go after Shigaraki even more. I want my family to be safe I'll talk to All Might and find out when to begin my hunt for him. 

Tsuyu pov) Izuku you need to get ready for class. i don't care that you just walked in. We're not going to let you fall behind in class. Think about the example that you will set for Eri when she starts school. As I stared at Izuku he nodded his head he put Eri down and was gone in a blink. 

Izuku pov) I quickly changed and joined the girls in front of the house. Eri asked me to carry her so I scooped her up as we walked to class. when i entered the class Mr. Aizawa walked up to me and told me that Principal Nezu wanted to talk to me at lunch. Eri looked at me and asked daddy are you in trouble. I smiled at her and said no my little rabbit. When i look at the girls i can see them looking at me. All i could do is smile weakly at them knowing that i was going to get another talking to but i remember what All Might said. even if they get mad at me i will go after the men threatening my family. 

Nezu pov) All Might explained to me his plan to draw Shigaraki out as Izuku walked into the office. I look at All Might and asked do you think it will work. All Might looked at Izuku and smiled i have faith in his future and his strength. Once Izuku graduates he will be the best of us. I look at Izuku and he blushes at the complement. I told to brief Izuku on the plan and to get things in motion. The faster we can catch this monster the better.

Izuku pov) As i think about what All Might said i have to chose one of the girls to walk with me to draw out Shigaraki to make myself look vulnerable. but which do i ask Ochaco is out of the picture. i don't dare in her condition. Mina was already hurt on one of our dates. Tsuyu went out on a mission with me already. That leaves Momo, Toru and Kyoka. The more i think about it the harder the decision becomes and i know the other girls are going to be upset. i think i need to talk to them when i get home. i walk to the cafeteria and join the girls who were in the middle of a conversation when i walked up. Eri sat next to me as i ate my food. the rest of the day was uneventful as we walked home. i told Eri to get started on her spelling words and that i would join her after i spoke with her mothers. I told the girls the truth and i could see the hurt in Ochaco's eyes i know she wanted to be the one with me. In the end i chose Momo to be with me because of her versatility. I walked over to Ochaco and asked her to step outside with me for a second. 

Ochaco pov) Izuku held my hand as we stepped outside then he looked me in my eyes. i love his green eyes i can feel my emotions running wild and my eyes begin to water. then he spoke softly to me as he caressed my cheek.

Izuku pov) Ochaco you know i would take you but you have our child growing inside of you. i can't risk our unborn child getting hurt. To be honest i don't want to take any of you with me. But i don't think that Shigaraki is going to come after me unless i seem vulnerable.  

Ochaco pov) i lean my head into his hand my voice cracks as i said i understand but it still hurts that i can't be there for you when you need me. i lean into him and hug him and made him promise to be careful and to keep Momo safe. 

Author pov see you soon

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