Helping a friend

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(Kirishima POV) I went to the hospital to visit Yaoyorozu and Midoriya again i need to talk to them. i have to do something about Bakugo i failed my friends Lida, Asui and Todoroki join me Lida and Asui continue to try to talk me out of trying to save Bakugo. As we get to the hospital we see Ochaco and Eri leaving they were about to get a bite to eat. we go to Izuku's room first and he wasn't there so we go to Momo's room and found both of them talking. Midoriya looks looks over to us and asked us to come in. 

(Izuku pov) we're getting released tomorrow so we'll be in class monday. 

(Kirishima POV) Midoriya i know that you and Bakugo don't have a good relationship but i really need both of yours and Yaoyorozu help. i'm feeling so worthless right now Yaoyorozu has the tracking device this will at least get us to him. please if you ever considered me your friend please help me. 

(Momo POV) i already gave a tracker to the heroes they are probably tracking them down right now. 

(Kirishima POV) Midoriya you know how i feel more than anyone else in this room. we know how you fought the muscle dude and the Nomu to protect Yaoyorozu and Eri. all i'm asking for is a chance to do the same for my friend. please give me the chance to help save my friend.

(Asui POV) you know this is wrong your not supposed to take the law into your own hand. we're not licenced yet we would be breaking the law. 

(Izuku POV) Kirishima i know how you feel. i've felt that way for most of my life powerless unable to help anyone it hurts just thinking about it. if were going to do this it will be rescue only no fighting. we snatch and grab if the heroes are there we'll let them do their job. if you can't agree to that i won't help.

(Momo POV) i agree with Izuku i'll help only of you agree to this. the only reason i'm doing this is because i know how i felt before i was saved. 

(Lida POV) Midoriya Yaoyorozu are you sure about this i'll go with you just to make sure that you don't break your word. this will be a rescue mission only. 

(Todoroki POV) i agree with Lida this is not a good idea but i think i can understand Kirishima's reasoning i'll help if you decide to go through with this. 

(Asui POV) i don't want you guys to go it's dangerous and illegal please don't do this.  

(Kirishima POV) Asui we're just talking right now we haven't done anything. 

(Asui POV) please don't do this i have to go i'll see you monday.

(Izuku POV) Asui is right we will be walking a very fine line if we do this. Momo i'll leave this up to you. your the one that will make the tracker to lead us to the Kachaan if you don't want to do this i'll understand.

(Momo POV) we'll meet up tomorrow evening at the train station this will give us time to go home spend some time with our families. is everybody good with that?

(Izuku POV)That works for me does tomorrow at 7 sound good?

(Kirishima POV) thank you for doing this for me. i'll see you tomorrow Todoroki, Lida are you guys going to be there?

(Izuku POV) after listening to Todoroki and Lida agree they all step out leaving Momo and i alone again.

(Momo POV)  i look at Izuku  and asked him if this was a good idea?

(Izuku POV) to be honest i think it's a terrible idea but i know there's nothing i wouldn't do to try and save you. that answer made Momo turn red as she looked away.

(time skip) they are released from the hospital.

(Izuku POV) i explain to Ochaco my plan to save Kachaan. she didn't like it at all but she told me that she understood. so we spent the day together playing with Eri and making up of lost time. Momo called to let us know that her parents wanted to spend today with her. and that she would see me later.  when the time got close i kissed Ochaco goodbye and went to the train station as we set out to save a friend i felt a sick feeling in my stomach. 


(Izuku POV) at the end we managed to save Kachaan. but we lost the symbol of peace he was forced to retire. in the back of my head all i could think about is that had i trained my dragon side more. i would have been able to help him stay the symbol of peace.   

(Ochaco POV) Izuku are you ok you have been down ever since you saved Bakugo. 

(Izuku POV) to be honest i don't know? i know i could have done more. had i just trained my my dragon side things would be different. i think i need to go for a run when i get back would you like to watch a movie?

(Ochaco POV) ok Deku but just remember one thing. it wasn't your fault. he fought One For All and he stopped him. he saved a lot of people and most importantly he's still alive.

(Izuku POV) how did i get so lucky to have such a wonderful woman in my life? i hug my little Mochi and walk out the door and begin to run. when i got halfway to the beach my phone rang it was All Might. He wanted me to meet him at the beach i use OFA and run to the beach where he was waiting for me. 

(All Might POV) when young Midoriya gets close to me i punch him. he doesn't listen but he learns from his mistakes i tell him that i will dedicate myself to training him. 

(Izuku POV) i would love that All Might but i have to tell you something also. Bahamut saw my fight with Muscular and the Nomu and was on his way to come train me. he said he was going to show me how to use my real power and that he was going to make me strong. 

(All Might POV) What do you mean he saw the fight was he there? what does he mean that he is going to make you strong?

(Izuku POV) to be honest i think he was pleased with me during my fight with muscular i had the opportunity to kill muscular but i didn't. i think that pleased him and he told me that he is going to train me how to properly us his power, he says i have a lot of potential. 

(Ochaco POV) when Izuku came home i could see that he is feeling better. Eri came running out of the room and jumped into his arms. Izuku are you feeling better?

(Izuku POV) I'm feeling alot better i spoke with All Might and i'm feeling lighter right now. Have you heard from Momo today? i think i might have scared her off when i protected her. i saw the look of fear in her eyes. i don't think she was ready for the truth.

(Ochaco POV) i did speak with her today she said that she was working in a project for her family but she will see us monday. 

Author see you soon.

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