The awkward rocker

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(Izuku POV) as i walked out of the locker room Eri came running to me she looked like she was going to burst she was so excited. She told me that she Ochaco and Momo were going horseback riding at Momo's parents house then they were going shopping for a clothing. I smiled at her then her face went serious and she told me i couldn't go that they were going to buy me something and i couldn't be there to see. i picked her up and i hugged her i told her to have a good time and i would see her later. when i put her down she went running to Momo and held her hand. this made me feel good seeing Eri happy and trusting people when i turned my head i saw Tsuyu waiting for me she was blushing slightly. i walked up to her and took her hand i looked her in the eyes and asked her are you sure you want to do this.  

Tsuyu POV) i looked at him and said Izu i've never been so sure of anything in my life. we held hands as we left the gym we walked over to his house and i could feel my heart racing. as we entered the house he took my hands and asked me once more was i sure i wanted to do this. he told me that there was no rush and if i wanted to just watch TV or a movie that he was fine with that. Just as long and he got so spend time with me and i was comfortable he was happy. i placed my hands on his face and pulled him down to mine and kissed him. when we separated his face was a little red and he was breathing a little heavier he took my hands one more time and lead me to his room. 

_________Lemon Warning_________________________________

Third person pov

AS they entered his room Izuku turned to her and leaned in for a kiss. Tsuyu melted into his arms and began breathing heavy when Izuku pulled back from the kiss he gently removed her shirt he began to kiss her neck while softly gently caressing her breast. Tsuyu croaked and she blushed she tried to apologize but Izuku just kissed her before she could speak. she began taking of his shirt then his pants. Isuku placed her gently on the bed and took of her skirt then he reached gently behind her and removed her bra. he began sucking on her breast while fondling the other and she tried to speak buy let out another soft croak. he leaned in and she laid back and he removed her panties. she was breathing very heavy he took off his own underwear and he began kissing her stomach and worked his way down she gasped when he reached her love spot and she grabbed his head and began losing control of herself when she climaxed he worked his way back up to her mouth and lined himself up with her and gently worked his way into her. when he felt her blockage he told her to relax and take a deep breath and as she did he pushed in and she gasped. when she got used to his size she began to grind with him and he pumped into her. he rolled her over and began doing her doggystyle and she lost herself to the passion. she ended up on top of him when he told her that he was close she begged him to finish in her he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her down as he began to Cumming inside of her and she let out a croak and passed out.  

_____end of lemon______________________________

(Izuku POV) Tsuyu fell on top of me making small croaking sounds as she had passed out. I released my wings and wrapped them around her. She snuggled into my chest and I let her rest when she woke up she looked up at me and smiled.  Let's get dressed the girls will be home soon and I'm sure you don't want to be naked  when they get here. 

(Tsuyu POV) I tried to lift the comforter off of us and I realized that it wasn't a comforter it was his wings. that made me happy to know that he kept me warm and safe. I tried to get up and my legs didn't work for me. Izu pulled himself out of me and gently placed me on the bed and dressed me up. Shortly afterwards the front door opened and Ochaco, Momo, Eri and Jiro walked in. I looked down at my still swollen belly and turned bright red.

(Izuku POV) Eri ran and jumped into my arms and began telling about the fun she had then looked at Tsuyu and said mommy i think she ate your snacks her belly is swollen just like yours after you eat your snacks. Ochaco and Momo turned a little pink and asked Tsuyu to follow them into the bedroom. I looked at Eri and told her to get ready to take a shower and that we were going to watch a movie together when she as done. she said ok and gave me a kiss before going to her room to shower. 

(Jiro POV) i looked at Izuku and how he treated this child. Momo and Ochaco both told me her story and how he is basically the only father she has ever known. that little girl loves him and i could see the love that he has for her. Izuku can i ask you a couple of questions? why are you going out of your way for that child. why are you taking multiple lovers? what is it that you look for with your partners? i didn't expect his response. 

(Izuku POV) i go out of that way for her because she is mine i'm her father now until forever i won't ever leave her. why have i taken multiple lovers Ochaco asked me to take in Momo and then Tsuyu approached me and i accepted after i spoke with the girls to include Eri. as far as what i look for in my lovers i guess i look for someone who accepts me for who i am she also has to accept my other lovers and she has to accept and love Eri. if she can accept that and the girls accept her then i'm good with that. i know it's a lot and that's why i never approached anyone even when the girls told me that it was ok. 

(Jiro POV) Izuku i don't have much in the way of looks. i don't have big breasts or a big butt but i do like you. i can accept your conditions if you can accept me. he gently placed his hand on my face he frowned when he spoke.

(Izuku POV) Jiro please don't put yourself down. i've always thought you were pretty and you carry yourself well. so please for my sake stop putting yourself down it will make me upset with you. I saw tears start forming in her eyes i pulled her in for a hug and kissed the top of her head. she looked up at me and leaned up and kissed my lips.

Author see you soon. 

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