Pushing my limits

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(Eri POV) i didn't know that my daddy was this fast i feel like we're flying through the woods when i see Mr Aizawa. i tell my daddy and he changes course to run to Mr Aizawa. 

(Izuku POV) Eraserhead please take the children i need to tell Mandalay i found Kota. i also need to find Ochaco and Momo. 

(Eri POV) Daddy please don't leave me. please daddy take me with you i don't want to lose you.

(Izuku POV) i hug Eri with my good arm and tell her that i have to do this i have to save her mommy and Momo. Eri daddy loves you, i won't leave you i promise that i'll come back for you. i'll always come back for you. but trust me for now please go with Mr Aizawa. He'll keep you safe for me. 

(Eraserhead POV) Deku what happened to your arm? did you push yourself too far again. we'll need to talk after this. i need you to pass this message to Mandalay.

(Izuku POV) as soon as Eri let me go and Mr Aizawa picked her up i ran to the camp. i saw a lizard fighting Mandalay and i saw another guy fighting Tiger. as the lizard raised a ridiculous looking sword i attacked him. he flew and hit a tree his partner tried to throw a knife at me when he saw me take his partner down hard. that's when Tiger got him punching him in the temple and knocking him out. i told Mandalay i found Kota and he was safe. i passed Mr Aizawa's message for the students to defend themselves. when she passed the message i shot into the woods looking for Ochaco and Momo.  

(Momo POV) why is there an Nomu here i was looking for more wounded before i ran back to the camp when it attacked. i barely managed to get a tracking device when it hit me and sent me flying. as i looked up from the ground it was about to hit me again when a green flash hit it in the head sending it flying into a tree the hit didn't even phase it. the Nomu went after its attacker it was Izuku. the last thing i remember before blacking out was as i looked at Izuku i saw his eyes his eyes looked like cat eyes and for the first time i also saw rage in them. 

(Izuku POV) I see Momo flying backwards and a Nomu is going after her. i kicked the Nomu's head before it hit Momo again. the Nomu was fast it came after me before the dust settled around it. it's almost as fast as All Might then i realize that i can't fight it here. Momo might get hurt i dodge the first attack and i go after the Nomu. i make sure that i have it's full attention it screams out in frustration when it missed me with its attack. as the Nomu continues to attack me i realize my mistake. were not far enough from Momo and we're moving to fast for me to really keep track.

(Momo POV) i open my eyes but i think i'm still dreaming. Izuku is fighting the Nomu and they are fast. i tried to get up so i could help Izuku and the Nomu heard me. i see it start to rush towards me so i make a shield and curl up to help with the blow. i hear loud impact but i felt nothing. as i lower my shield now i know i'm dreaming. Izuku is standing behind me covering me with wings that had heavy scales. his eyes never left the Nomu as he let out a primal scream that scared me. he hit the Nomu with an uppercut and i heard bone shatter. the Nomu flew like a bullet and Izuku's arm looked horrible. 

(Izuku POV) NO he's going to kill Momo with that hit. MOVE IT PROTECT HER AT ALL COSTS. i barely get behind her and my wings shoot out my back and cover Momo like a half dome. and i feel the force of the punch. it hurt but if it hit Momo it would have killed her. the thought of that made me scream out in anger as i hit the Nomu. i feel the pain in my arm as i send it flying through the air. as i look down i could see the fear in Momo eyes she's scared. is she scared of me? with a thought my wings go back and i scream out again this time its in pain. 

(Momo POV) Izuku is that really you?

(Izuku POV) yes. are you ok can you get up?  

(Momo POV) i think it can. your arm it looks horrible are you ok? just as i finish talking Ochaco came running towards us she saw Izuku's arms and Gasped she asked me to make splints as she ripped her shirt.

(Ochaco POV) where is Deku as soon as i thought about it i instinctively start to run through the woods. Tsuyu was with me and she followed me through the woods. she asked me where i was going and i told her to find Deku. shortly after we hear him scream. i felt a cold feeling in my gut. i begin to run faster with Tsuyu right behind me then i saw him. he was standing by Momo and his arms were horrible. i tell Momo to make splints as i rip my shirt to keep the splints in place. Deku where is Eri?

(Izuku POV) she is safe right now she is with Eraserhead. Are you ok? 

(Ochaco POV) i'm fine but your arms this isn't good you need to see a doctor. Momo are you ok?

(Momo POV) i'm ok if it wasn't for Izuku i'd be dead. he fought off a Nomu by himself but he broke his arms in the fight. 

(Ochaco POV) i as i'm listening to Momo i hear a sniffle

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(Ochaco POV) i as i'm listening to Momo i hear a sniffle. Momo, Tsuyu and i look over to Deku and see him crying. he was looking at the two of us and said that he was so happy that we were safe.

(Izuku POV) as i look at Ochaco and Momo i feel a sense of relief washing over me. i couldn't help it i began to cry. they were safe so was Eri the knot in my stomach unwounded. it cost me my arms but i managed to save two very important people of my life. i'll make that trade any day to keep my loved ones safe

(Tsuyu POV) As i look at Midoriya i'm just blown away by him. Ochaco is so lucky and it looks like he feels that same about Momo.  i can't believe that he fought a Nomu by himself to keep her safe. what won't he do for the ones he loves. why didn't i make a move on him when Ochaco broke his heart. then i would be the one he was fighting for. 

(Izuku POV) we have to go Momo can you walk? we need to go now.

(Ochaco POV) Izuku your arms are really bad are you sure you can make it. 

(Izuku POV) i'll make it we have to check on the rest of the class I start walking towards the camp as Tsuyu and Ochaco help Momo walk following behind me.

(Momo POV) As we follow Izuku i see the rip's in the back of his shirt. I didn't imagine it he had wings. I have to talk with him and Ochaco about it.

Author see you soon 

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