a new type of training

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(Overhaul POV) i hate having to meet up with people in such dirty places as i meet up with Tomura Shigaraki. as i walk into the warehouse we begin to speak i tell him about my plan to get Eri back. 

(Shigaraki POV) why is the girl so important to you?

(Overhaul POV) she is my property it's a matter of principal. nobody takes anything from me without my permission. i want what belongs to me and now that the two major players are out of the picture i'm going to make plans to get her back. once i get her back i will tell you about phase two of my plan.

(Shigaraki POV) lol your going to waste your time on a little girl. what ever let me know when your ready to talk business. 

(Overhaul POV) i'll get a hold of you soon once i get my property back. 

(Shigaraki POV) what ever i get up and walk away. i'll find out why that little is so important to him but for now i have work on my plans. 

(Izuku POV) when i woke up this morning i couldn't move i had Momo on my left Ochako on my right and Eri was curled up around my head i finally understand how a burrito feels. Eri must have came in last night while we were sleeping. as i get out of bed i try not to wake anyone up. i go to the woods and train. i use OFA and begin running the the trees i begin propelling myself tree to tree at very high speeds. i focus on my arms and scales appear and they get dence i go thru a tree like a hot knife through butter. i try to think about new ways to apply my new powers i realize that its time for me to head back and get ready for class. i use one for all and i run for my house on campus. 

(Momo POV) when i woke up i saw Eri Snuggled up with Ochaco and that Izuku was nowhere to be found so i decided to take a quick shower while Ochaco was still sleeping. i love the shower in our bedroom it has clear glass panels oversized shower. as i'm showering i see the door open and it was Izuku. we both froze for a second then i saw him turn a deep red color. he was about to leave when i called him in. 

(Izuku POV) as i enter the room i head straight for the shower i didn't hear the water running when i entered i saw Momo in the shower and i froze i felt the temperature rise and i apologised and was about to close the door when she called me in. i asked her if she was sure and she said yes. 

(Momo POV) are you unpleased with me? i've never been in a relationship with anyone. most guys are focused on my breasts. but not you, you always focus on me as a whole and treat me nice. but you don't look at me the way you look at Ochaco. i'm just afraid that you don't find me attractive. 

(Izuku POV) To be honest with you Momo your very pretty. yes i'm nervous but that's because i can't offer you anything but my love. i didn't want to come off as a perv only interested in your body. the only person i have ever dated was Ochaco so i'm still nervous when it comes to being in a relationship. i want learn more about you. i want you to feel loved not just lusted after that's why i wanted to take my time with you. 

(Momo POV) Hearing this made me want him even more. he wants me not my money not my body he wants me. i leave the water in the shower running and i walk over to Izuku i take his hand and asked him if he wanted to shower with me. it was cute watching him blush he said yes. i felt my heart start to pound as he began to undress i asked him to lock the door. 

----------------------------Lemon Warning -------------------------------------

Third person POV) as Izuku locked the door he continue to take off his clothes when he felt Momo's wet skin touch his and he turned to her and kissed her he reached up grabbing one of her breasts and pulling her close with his other arm one the kiss was finished Momo reached down and took off his pants and boxers on one shot and froze when she saw the size of his hardon Izuku began to kiss her again lifting her up this time carrying her into the shower once her back was against the wall he put her down and told her that he wanted to taste his woman. he began kneeled down and kissed he body as he worked his way down. Momo lost herself in pure bliss as soon as he got to her love hole he began to lick her clit she lost it she begged him to stop before she lost it. this made him go faster until she came. as she covered her mouth to try not to yell out he stood up and pressed her against the wall lining himself up with her and gently penetrating her as she felt her lover enter her she began to bite down on him to keep herself from yelling but he continued pushing himself in her gently kissing her neck and caressing her breasts until he was fully inside of her Momo begged him to go keep going as he began to pound her insides and he whispered to her that he was about to cum and shoved himself as deep as he could go in her Momo screamed out and passed out as Izuku filled her womb 

----------------------------------end of lemon-------------------------------------------

(Izuku POV) Momo are you ok? she made some odd sounds so i shut off the water and wrap her in a towel. i wrap a towel around my waist and carry Momo out. i see Ochaco starting to wake up as i set Momo down she smiled at me as she said good morning. she looked at Momo and saw her inflated stomach and asked me did she take the pill. i start to blush and said i don't know?

(Ochaco POV) Ok Izuku i'm going to take a shower can you please start getting Eri ready for school. then you can join me in the shower i want to make sure your clean. i see Izuku blush an even deeper red. i get out of bed and start walking towards the bathroom swaying my hips.

(Izuku POV) i can't stop looking at my little Mochi as she walked by me swaying her hips as she passed me she gently caressed me face with her hand and continued walking towards the bathroom. i wake Eri up and started to get her ready for school then i head to the bathroom and join Ochaco for a very nice shower.  

(Momo POV) i wake up with Izuku kissing my forehead telling me i need to start getting ready for school. i smile at him and sit up but my legs are still very wobbly Ochaco asked me if i took a pill this morning and i begin to blush. how did you know i had this room sound proofed. Ochaco just smiled at me and said my stomach was still a little bloated and she also slept with Izuku and know how i felt the first time she slept with him. 

(Izuku POV) i leave the room on that note to go check up on Eri and we all leave for school. i'm carrying Momo on my back as we head towards school when we got closer Momo asked me to put her down and she began walking the rest of the way. Eri asked me to carry her the way i was carrying Momo so i kneeled down as she hopped onto my back and we continued.  as we got to the school i hear All Might call me and i put Eri down and go over to him. he asked me about my training and told me he wanted to talk with me after class. 

Author i hope you enjoyed this see you soon. 

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