The price of power

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(Izuku POV) I have begun training with Bahamut I thought that training with Dalinda and Tanwen was hard. he is a on a completely different scale of power. in his human form he flicked his finger and I was sent flying. our fights were quick and very one sided but I learned and improved. then we fought in our partial shifted forms and once again he brought the pain but I fought on. then we fought in our dragon forms and he leveled an entire mountain with me. if it wasn't for Dalinda and Tanwen I don't know if I would have survived his training. but he insured me that I was doing well. then he started to teach me to control my fire and how to control lighting I was amazed with what he could do with fire.

(Bahamut POV) young one you have done very well I will finish training you this week and we will go back to you world. but your going to have to stay away from every one for a couple of days until you get reacclimated. you must practice picking up delicate things and practice walking. but for now back to striking with electricity. if you don't pick a focal point and reach out with it your electricity will spread and be less affective. but you can use it for area damage but by picking a focal point you can strike a single target from a much longer distance.

(Izuku POV) as I continued to practice I was able to strike target a football field away with electricity and I was able to do things with fire I never thought possible. then he told me it was time to leave Dalinda and Tanwen both smiled. Bahamut gave me a warm smile and told me that he had one final lesson for me. he taught me how to make gems with my tears that I could give to someone so that I could always find them. then he said I have a gift for you also.

(Bahamut POV)  for not dying during your training I'm giving you a small hoard I out grew mine centuries ago but young dragons need one. you will find it under your dwelling when you get home. don't forget what you learned here and you will truly be the greatest hero your planet has ever seen. I will place you in the cave we first met and you will find glass cups there. you can leave the cave when you can pick up a cup and not shatter it and walk without launching yourself into the ceiling of the cave let us go.

 you can leave the cave when you can pick up a cup and not shatter it and walk without launching yourself into the ceiling of the cave let us go

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(Izuku POV) they dropped me off at the cave I went to take a step forward and flew right into the ceiling just like Bahamut predicted. I saw the glasses lined up neatly against the wall I touched the first one and it shattered. after a few hours I began to cry I was so close to home but I couldn't leave this cave for the first time in what felt like a year I was truly alone. I pick my head up and continue to practice. it took me three days to be able to walk normally again and another day to pick up the glass with out shattering it I pulled out my cell phone and called Ochaco. she sounded so happy to hear from me I told her that I was on my way home and that I will see her soon.

(Ochaco POV) Eri its time to tell grandma good bye. I have a surprise for you when we get home. I look at my mom and whisper in her ear that Izuku has returned and I want to surprise Eri. my mom said it was a shame that Momo and your father had to leave. something about a renovation for your house. Its ok mom I'll just take the train Eri like riding on the trains. but I'll see you soon love you mom. I look at Eri as she hugged her grandma and said goodbye

(Eri POV) mom why are we leaving so soon I thought we were going to wait for grandpa to come home?

(Ochaco POV) it's a surprise and I know your going to love it. when we got to the station I felt a prick on my leg and everything went black.

(Izuku POV) I called All Might and let him know I was back in town he sounded happy to hear from me and wanted to schedule a time so my teachers could see what I have learned in a month. then I got a beep on the other line it was Ochaco I told All Might I would call him back. when I switched over I almost crushed my phone it was Overhaul and he had both Ochaco and Eri. the told me that they were safe for now but that he had plans to make me suffer for my actions. I start to see red and he hung up the phone laughing at me. I called All Might and told him what just happened and that i was on my way home. I look at the direction of my school and leaped into that direction I was soaring through the air I released my wings and flew quickly to my school. I landed right in front of my house in minutes. All Might and the staff we arriving at the same time I did.

(Ochaco POV) I woke up in a dark room and I started to look for Eri I heard a muffled cry and I saw her hiding under a bed. I called to her and she crawled out and ran to me. she began to ball saying the bad man has us. I hugged her and told her it's going to be alright.

(Eri POV) he is going to punish me and he is going to hurt you mommy and its all my fault. I don't want you to get hurt. I'm so sorry I wish daddy was here he'd find us he'd save us.

(Ochaco POV) Eri it's going to be alright remember when I said I had a surprise for you. guess what daddy just got home and it won't take him long before he realizes something is wrong and he finds us.

(Eri POV) really he got home today.

(Ochaco POV) yes honey when have I ever lied to you.

(Eri POV) never.

(Overhaul POV) I walk into the captives room and see them hugging and a smile on Eris face. how sweet you look happy Eri I knew you wanted to come back home I missed you and our time together. don't worry I won't harm the girl as long as you do as I say. if not you know how far I will go to get what I want.

(Eri POV) my daddy's is back home and he'll find us and save us you'll see.

(Overhaul POV) first of all your mine I called your fake daddy and told him I have you. he will never find you here. you know this place is a maze even if he showed up we would be gone and the girl will die before he could save you.

(Ochaco POV) I pull Eri behind me and asked him how did he get Izuku's number.

(Overhaul POV) I used your phone while you were still sleeping but don't worry you won't get a signal down here so be a good girl and be nice. or I'll make Eri suffer for your actions and you don't want that do you. I have a meeting to attend I will be back soon.

(Ochaco POV) I saw Overhaul leave the room and I smiled at Eri don't worry my little rabbit. I will not let him touch you. I remember something Izuku told me and it made my smile even deeper  he told me that he will always be able to find me. it won't be long before he gets here.

Author see you soon.

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