Momo's decision

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(Izuku POV) i was the first to wake up i slightly lift my wing and see my little mochi asleep i look down a little and i see Eri still asleep. she never did let go of me last night as i pull my wing back in Eri starts to wake up. her eyes go wide as she realizes that she is holding me. i ask her is she OK. she told me that she thought she was dreaming and that she would wake up in the bad place again. i told her she was safe and that we would protect her.

Eri POV) Izuku what's a girl friend? the girl yesterday told me that she was your girlfriend. 

(Izuku POV) it means that she and i are together. do you mean the girl behind you. Eri's eyes go wide as she turned her head slowly and saw Ochaco sleeping behind her. 

(Eri POV) Yes she is the one. thank you Izuku for saving me yesterday. but the bad man he'll be back he won't let me go he told me that he would always get me. that i would never be safe from him. i was his property and he would kill anyone that would take me away.

(Izuku POV) my blood starts to boil when Eri tells me this. i pull her in for a hug and tell her that we would keep her safe. at this time i feel my little Mochi start to wake up. she is just too cute her hair was a mess as she said good morning. Eri clung to me a little tighter as she realized Ochaco was waking up. i told her that she was safe and that Ochaco would also take care of her. 

(Ochaco POV) Are you hungry Eri? i can make us some breakfast. i smiled as i watched her holding Deku. she nodded her head up and down and i got out of bed and started to cook. 

(Izuku POV) ok Eri it's time for you to take a shower and brush your teeth so we could eat. i can see the fear in her eye's with the thought of being alone in a room. don't worry i'll be here when your done i promise. you can even leave the door slightly open. she nods her head up and down as i show her where the bathroom is. she went inside and left the door open so she could still see me. i start telling Ochaco that once Eri is done i have to shower and meet up with Momo. i hear a knock at the door.

(Ochaco POV) i'll get it. as i open the door i see Izuku's mom and All Might i quickly invite them in. Izuku's mom asked me if i wanted help cooking and i said yes please. i let Izuku know his mom and all might were here.

(Izuku pov) i put Eri's new clothing on the bed it was a little red dress a white shirt and a little pair of boots that looked cute together

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(Izuku pov) i put Eri's new clothing on the bed it was a little red dress a white shirt and a little pair of boots that looked cute together. as she came out of the bathroom in her towel i showed her new clothes and her eyes got wide. 

(Eri POV) is that for me. i never had such pretty clothes before thank you. 

(Izuku POV) i saw her arms and legs and rage filled me to the point where i started to lose control i could feel the changes as i looked at Eri again i saw her differently i was looking into her and saw even more pain and fear. i called out to Ochaco for her to come here quickly.

(Eri POV) Izuku are you all right. your eyes they changed 

(Ochaco POV) i quickly entered the room and saw Deku looking at Eri and i looked at her and saw her scars i looked back at Deku and his eyes had changed the looked like cat eyes. i quickly hug him and i feel him taking deep breaths. 

(Izuku POV) i feel Ochaco hug me from behind and i start to take deep breaths i ask Eri who did this to you? when she told me i pulled her in for a hug and told her that he will never lay another finger on her again. i asked Ochaco to finish dressing her. as i went out to greet my mom and All Might. we all ate breakfast and then i told Eri that i would be back soon and that Ochaco and my mom would stay with her. i left to go meet up with Momo.

(Momo POV) i got to the park a little early i can't believe im going on a date with Izuku. i know he is shy but he is also kind and he listens and he wears he heart on his sleeve. i see him walk up and he smiles at me. i greet him but as i look at him i can see that he looks a little sad. 

(Izuku POV) Hi Momo you look great. i'm sorry if i kept you waiting. the more i look at Momo the more i know she is way out of my league. as i walk up to her i gently take her hand and lead her to the swings. i sat down on one and she sat on the other. i look her in the eye's and asked her what does she see in me. i know that there's other guys in our class that are head over heels for her. i couldn't offer her anything that she doesn't already have. plus she knows that im in a relationship with Ochaco. so why me? i'm sorry for being so forward with you but your answer will dictate where this conversation goes. 

(Momo POV) now i know why he looked kinda sad. He feels that he has nothing to offer me. i look at him and smile i don't want anything from you. all i want is your heart i want you to look at me the way you do Ochaco. as far as the others. all of my life boy's have chased me thinking about what i could offer them. but you don't care about that all you care about is if the one you love is happy. i just want to be one of the ones you love. 

(Izuku POV) wow i didn't even think about it that way. i as i look her in the eyes i smile and reach out for her hand as she took mine i get up and walk with her to the cafe a few blocks up. as we took our seats i begin to tell Momo everything about Eri and how she is now a part of my life and if she could accept that we could also become a couple. 

(Momo POV) He did that for a child without a second thought i gave him my answer by leaning over the table and kissing him. as i kissed him i felt a tear on my lips i opened my eyes and saw that he had tears streaming down his face. i asked him was he all right. his answer made my heart melt.

(Izuku POV) I'm fine i was just so happy i didn't think that i would ever be this lucky to have such a wonderful people in my life.

Author see you soon

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