Bring the pain

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Izuku pov) This guy is willing to destroy this entire town to try to kill me i need to end this and end it now before people get hurt. I leap out of the rubble and use OFA to shot towards this villain. I can see the look of surprise and fear in his face when i deliver a punch to his gut i felt bones beak and he folds then launched threw the air. I leap after him and punch again sending him flying back towards the ground out side of the city limits. i flap my wings and beat him to the ground i grab him out of the air using his momentum plus OFA to swing him in an arc and slam him harder into the ground. He coughed up blood then laid still i check his pulse he was still alive but too hurt to do anything.

Nine pov) i couldn't believe what i just saw Chimera was just taken down hard the wasn't the work of an aspiring hero. i didn't even give him a chance i struck as he was checking Chimera's pulse. I let lose the strongest electrical charge i could then i use my summon serpents. I was blinded for a second when the lighting struck him. Then the serpents descended upon him but he wasn't there. I felt a fist slam into my back with enough force to break a mountain. i flew into the tree line shattering trees. once i was back on my feet i look around and my eyes locked onto a set of emerald glowing eyes and i could see the naked hate in them. he was back in that flying lizard form again and he isn't here for justice he is here to punish and i need to leave. I look for a quick exit but he is quick i barley got my shields up in time and the force of the Impact launched me even further into the wood line. This guys strength is insane my air barrier can negate most strikes but he is getting through.

Izuku pov) This guy is crazy strong just about anyone i hit using this kind of force crumples i need to hurry and end this fight before he has the chance to run away. i can see him looking for a chance to escape. It's like my masters taught me now its time to use overwhelming force. I shift my density and allow all 78 tons be felt. My feet sink into the dirt this is the first time I've released my full weight since I left my masters realm. i lift into the air with my wings and I angle my decent right at him the ground exploded and Nine went flying like a rag doll. I see serpents spring out of his back trying to help him escape.

Nine pov) I release my serpents and them try to pull me away from this monster. But he is once again in front of me i hit him with the strongest air barrier and the backlash i got blasted me back through the trees. As i watch him approaching me it was like watching a mountain move the ground shuddered with every step. I attacked him with lighting then i follow up with my laser strike its strong enough to even cut All Might in half. I hit him with everything that i have i have to bring this brat down. I received my power from All For One himself i can't lose if i win he will heal me.

Izuku pov) I tank the laser attack i couldn't believe that it actually left burn marks on my scales. I let out a sound attack i can see his legs buckle and blood run down from his ears. he raised his arm at me for what looks like one last attack. I use OFA to rush him i left a crater from the force i punch his arm and heard the bones shatter. Nine let out a scream but i didn't stop i punched him in the chest and felt the bones break. As he crumpled i grabbed him and asked him who sent him after me. I could see the hate in his eyes i reached down and grabbed his arm and squeezed i felt his bones break in my hand and he let out another miserable scream. Tell me i growled or i will continue.

Nine pov) This can't be hero's don't act this way he is a monster. His name is Tomura Shigaraki and he put out a big bounty on you. But even though you were able to stop me your going to lose to him. If you got lucky enough to stop him then there's his boss All For ONE he's the one that wants you and your nowhere near strong enough to stop him. So do us both a favor kill me and then yourself because your never going to be able to stop that man.

Izuku pov) Tomura Shigaraki works for AFO and they want me not Eri. I lower my density and punch Nine in the temple knocking him out cold i restrain him and Chimera then i heal their broken bones but leave all of the other wounds. I call All Might and tell him everything he tells me to hide until the police and the hero's come and secure the villains. I fly up on a treetop so I can keep an eye on the villains and wait for the police and heroes to show up. After they were picked up I fly back home I need to rest and think about how I'm going to lure out Shigaraki and AFO.

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