Breaking Point

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(Izuku POV) As we arrived to our classroom this morning I heard Tysu ask about what we did yesterday. Eri was so excited to tell her that she went to a karaoke place and got to sing for the first time. all of a sudden I felt all of the girls in our class staring at me. Ochaco and Momo both told the girls that we needed some family time. I called Eri over to me so she could get started with her school work as Mr Aisawa walked in he was followed by three other students i didn't know. Eri got up and hide behind me she still doesn't do well with strangers. Mr Aisawa introduced them as the big three the top students in the senior class. Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado and Tamaki Amajiki are the strongest of the school and they were going to talk to us. Nejire saw Eri squealed and was headed straight to her i felt Eri's hand squeeze my side and i got up asking my senior to stop. she looked at Eri and saw how nervous she looked and the look of concern on my face and apologised. i picked Eri up and sat her on my lap as we listened to Mirio talk.

(Mirio POV) i can see the look on Mr. Aisawa and i need to get there attention fast before he gets even angrier than normal. i challenged to take them all on in a fight i heard that one of them was a real monster in a fight. we changed and got to the gym and i told them to get ready then i said begin and i used my quirk and saw the explosion, lazers, ice and tape like materials fly through my body and i begin to take down class 1A.

(Bakugo POV) i hit him with an explosion that should have knocked him through a wall but there was nothing there. he came up out of the ground and hit me in the gut hard and he melted back into the ground. i saw him taking my classmates down quickly i tried to get back up but i wasn't expecting the punch and i got the air knocked out of me. when i saw him attack Deku and then i saw what looked like a static discharge and Miro went down. i thought only Kaminari could use electricity in our class. Deku has been sandbagging that bastard he was the last one in our class standing. that's is i'm going to beat Deku senseless he got lucky and was attacked last and now he looks like he is the strongest in the class. now the class is congratulating him for beating Mirio. 

(Mirio POV) the one with the green hair is fast he predicted where i would show up and attacked. i almost got him but he passed through me too quickly so i went after his classmates. after i dropped them all i went after him and when my foot went solid to kick him i felt the electricity course through me and i dropped. i underestimated him and i paid for it i thought he was a speed guy type with as fast he was moving. 19 out of 20 isn't bad i got up and spoke with the class and explained to them how i was able to take down the majority of them. 

(Izuku POV) i was really impressed by Mirio on how fast he took down most of the class. i only got lucky due to my speed i was able to time my attack just right. that didn't stop the class from mobbing me after the fight. after class the girls and i began our training in our back yard first was the improving our strikes by practicing our form. i even let Eri join us while we were practicing our form i told her she wasn't allowed to practice in the actual fighting until she got a little older. Ochaco and Momo were practicing when Momo asked me when were we going to start sparring. i told her that first we were going to reinforce the basics through repetition. then we were going to move into sparring after that we were going to fight in earnest. i saw Bakugo come around the corner with malist in his eyes.

(Bakugo POV) Deku follow me right now! we need to talk.

(Izuku POV) Kacchan i'm busy right now maybe some other time. in the corner of my eye i can see Eri hiding behind Ochaco. Kacchan your scaring Eri please calm down and leave.

(Bakugo POV) i don't care about your little brat come fight. i didn't see him move but i felt him grab my chest and jump and we flew past the treeline when he threw me. i use my explosions to control my landing now i'm going to show him his place. 

(Izuku POV) i heard him call Eri a brat and i lost it. i activated OFA and grabbed him and leaped towards the forest and then i threw him. i don't want to fight him but i will not allow him to insult my family. Kacchan i'm going to give you one chance to apologise to Eri.

(Momo POV) one second Bakugo called Eri a brat then next Both Izuku and Bakugo were gone. we need to get a teacher i told Ochaco or this is going to get ugly take Eri inside i'll get Mr Aisawa.

(Bakugo POV) or what? do you honestly think you can beat me? your still Deku the loser it will take you a thousand lifetimes to beat me. but if you beg for my forgiveness i just might let this slide. but don't think i'm going to tell your brat. he punched me in my mouth so fast i didn't see him move. i caught a glimpse of him returning and hit him with my howitzer attack that should slow him down. he busted through my attack like it was nothing i leaped out of the way just before he could hit me again then he stopped. i grinned this is going to be a real fight i sprint towards him using my explosions to propel me forward. he stood there when i threw my first punch and he shifted slightly and i missed i opened my palm and let a small explosion hit him.

(Izuku POV) he punch missed but the explosion to the ear didn't my ear was ringing and now i got angry. time to go on the offensive. i dropped down and threw a sweeping kick to take his feet from underneath him. he leaped into the air and used his explosions to give him a little distance i use OFA and leap after him and as he spun in the air i grabbed him and threw him back to the ground hard this time. i heard the wind get knocked out of him and i turn up my weight and land about ten feet away from him and made a small crater. i saw a look on his face that i never saw before doubt mixed in with a little fear. Kacchan quit now before i have to hurt you I'm not the person you used to know. don't make me hurt you.

Author see you soon.

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