New beginnings and class

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(Izuku POV) i get up early as usual to meet up with All Might for my training. as i pulled my wing and sneak out of bed Eri starts to wake up i turn her into Ochaco and she snuggles into her chest and goes back to sleep.  once im done with my training with All Might he tells me how much i've improved i don't feel like i've improved much i feel like i'm his personal punching bag. i run to my moms house to get my school clothes then i run home to shower and change. as i get home i kiss my little Mochi on the head it's time to wake up baby. Eri it's time for you to wake up also we have to get ready for school. Eri wakes up realizing the she wasn't snuggling with me and asks me what's school. 

(Ochaco POV) i start to wake up hearing Deku explain what school is when i look at him he looks like he was in a fight. i asked him what happened he told me it was part of his training regimen. that he always stops at recovery girls office before class for healing. he walks into the shower and steps inside and calls me in so we could shower at the same time. to save water and time being that we had to get Eri ready as well. 

(Izuku POV) once we were done with our shower and we got Eri ready we left for school. Momo was waiting for us at the front gate. 

(Momo POV) I see Izuku and Ochaco walking with a little girl she is so cute. this is the little girl he told me about. now i understand why he took her in. he knows what it means to be alone i guess he didn't want her to feel that way. i walk up yo them and try to introduce myself to the little girl when she hides behind Izuku it was too cute. 

(Izuku POV) Eri hides behind me when Momo introduces herself. i tell Eri its ok that Momo is a very special person for us also. she is a part of our family Eri looked at her and said hi.

(Momo POV) Izuku said i was special that i was a part of his family. i can feel the red going up my neck all the way to my ears. 

(Eri POV) daddy why is she turning red like mommy does when you whisper in her ears. 

(Momo POV) did she just call you daddy. Izuku turned red at this point and said yeah it's a long story but i'll tell you everything. he asked me if we could stop by the nurse's office first so we all walked together while Izuku explained everything to me.

(Izuku POV) when i get to class i see there is a little table next to mine along with coloring books and other things to keep her busy. i could see how nervous she is to be in class with us. all of the students introduced themselves to Eri. it took me a while to calm her down especially after Kachan came in throwing another fit. Mr Aizawa walked in and explained to the class that Eri would be joining us for a while. and that we had bigger thing to worry about like our class trip next week. 

(Bakugo POV) WTF!!! why him why does he always have to stand out. I'm supposed to be the one to get all of the attention. i'm supposed to be the best. but weak ass Deku not only does he get the attention he now brings a child into class. why does it always have to be him. i freeze when i hear the little girl call Deku daddy.

(Izuku POV) i hear Eri call up to me asking to use the bathroom when i look around i see all eyes on me. i forgot the only ones that know that she calls me daddy is Ochaco and Momo. even Mr Aizawa looked shocked but he lets me know its all right. Ochaco got up and asked Eri to follow her Eri said ok mommy. that's when the whole class lost it 

(Bakugo POV) ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!! she called Deku daddy i really need to blow something up. 

(Izuku POV) the rest of the day went well until our hero training course when i got to the locker room i felt like i was getting interrogated by the police. Eri got to see me and Ochaco in uniforms for the first time. luckily for me Eri remembered Mr Aizawa and went with him while we trained. 

(Ochaco POV) wow i felt like the questions would never end it ranged from me living with Deku to Eri calling me mom. i was glad to get on the training grounds. 

(Eri POV) wow my mom and dad are so cool looking at them train was fun. i got to play with MR Aizawa he likes cats. i like cats too he asks funny questions.

(EraserHead POV) Eri why did you call Izuku and Ochaco mom and dad?

(Eri POV) i told him that a mom and dad make you feel safe and loved. grandma Inko told me that. 

(EraserHead POV) i really need to talk to my problem child. luckily hero training is over i'll pull them to side and talk to both of them.

(Izuku POV) i get out of the gym when Eri came running to me i scooped her up and hugged her

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(Izuku POV) i get out of the gym when Eri came running to me i scooped her up and hugged her. when Mr Aizawa called me over. we waited for Ochaco when he walked with us and asked when did Eri begin calling us mommy and daddy.

(Ochaco POV) I explained to Mr Aizawa about Inko asking Eri about her mommy and daddy and how Eri didn't know what that was and after Inko explained to her what parents do she just associates us as her parents.  

(EraserHead POV) i look at my problem child with new eyes he stepped up to the plate by accepting the child now the child feels safe with them after a weekend. i just wanted to see how everything was going for the three of you. it seems everything is going better than i expected. (i need to talk to principal Nezu about this after class). 

(Momo POV) as i watched Izuku take care of Eri during the day made me want him even more. he is a great father i can imagine him with our child in the future. OMG i just imagined him with our child! he did tell Eri that i was a part of their family i need to talk to him both him and Ochaco. i want to be closer to them all i want to move in. 

(Izuku POV) as we get home Ochaco goes into the kitchen and starts making us dinner. i get changed and tell Eri to change also. once i'm done i go into the kitchen and Ochaco goes and change Eri tries to help us cook. its too cute we sit down to eat and listen to Eri talk about her first day at school how she had fun with Mr Aizawa. Ochaco and i look at each other stunned i try to imagine Mr Aizawa as being fun. 

Author see you soon

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