what is true power

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(Izuku POV) I helped Eri pack her bag after class and Ochaco came over and Eri reached up to take her hand Momo told us to go ahead and that she would catch up to us. so we meet up with All Might. he had three people with him i looked at the people and they were looking at me very intensely. all three were wearing cloaks the man in the middle walked up to me and when i looked into his eyes they were cat like eyes. Eri noticed it as well i asked him if he was Bahamut. 

(Bahamut POV) Hello young one it's been a while are you ready for your training. 

(Izuku POV) what kind of training?

(Bahamut POV) I will make you strong i spoke with your mom and your teachers and you will be coming with me. 

(Eri POV) you can't take my daddy he has to help me with my homework and he keeps the bad man away. are you mad at my daddy your eyes look the same as my daddy's eyes when he is angry. 

(Bahamut POV) No little one i'm not angry. i'm excited to train your daddy these two are going to help. who is this bad man who has you afraid?

(Izuku POV) he is known as Overhaul he did bad things to her before i saved her from him. how long is our training going to be. 

(Bahamut POV) it will be for about a month your time here. it will be a lot longer where we will be. i will not lie to you young one it will be very hard training your adoptive offspring will not be able to join us. 

(Ochaco POV) Will i be able to visit him or will he be able to visit us?

(Bahamut POV) you will not be able to visit him the gravity where we're going will kill you.

(Ochaco POV) WHAT!!! i look over to Deku who went pale.

(Izuku POV) how will i be able to live if it will kill them!

(Bahamut POV) your bones have been marked and they are a lot stronger than you realize once i remove that mark you will feel what i'm talking about. your body is now ready for the power i granted you. 

(All Might POV) the mark restricted his power? i thought it reinforced his body.

(Bahamut POV) i begin to chuckle it did both i know you gave him your strength i also gave him mine if i didn't seal every bone on his body he would have died within minutes of receiving my power. 

(Eri POV) daddy i don't want you to go. 

(Izuku POV) don't worry my little rabbit. i know you don't want me to leave but i need to get stronger. not only to better protect you but to be a better a hero i need to be stronger. 

(Bahamut POV) i begin to laugh young one i'm going to train you to control your power if i undid your seal now and didn't teach you to control your power you would kill everyone you touched by accident you wouldn't be able to control your weight the seals I placed on you controlled how much you really weight. you probably weight in at about 70 to 80 tons. 

(Bakugo POV) i walked around the corner and heard talking as i listened what i heard made me nervous how can who is strong enough to kill people by accident just by touching them. when i heard Deku reply i went from nervous to angry there is no way he is that strong. I turn to walk away and saw ponytail walking towards me.

(Izuku POV) am i really that strong.

(Bahamut POV) yes i'll teach you a great many things but we need to leave. 

(Izuku POV) i look over to Ochaco and Eri i see Momo round the corner and i call her over. i kiss all three of my girls goodbye i leave with Bahamut. 

time skip

(Bahamut POV) when we arrived to the training site. i look at the young one and i told him that this would probably hurt. before he could answer i touch his head and he began to scream a little. i removed all of the marks on his bones i see the ground buckle where he was standing. 

(Izuku POV) i feel the ache in my bones when Bahamut touched me. i yell out i feel my feet sink into the dirt i drop to my knee and the ground gave some more then the pain was gone when i stood up i look at Bahamut he smiled he held out his hand and helped me up. i felt different it took me a moment just to able to walk again. he looked over to the other two people that were with him and called them over Dalinda and Tanwen joined us. 

(Bahamut POV) begin his training. 

(Izuku POV) i was ready for a fight like at the training camp. they told me to follow them so i did i wasn't ready for what came next. they began to teach me how to heal not just myself but to heal others. i was confused when i look behind me i see Bahamut sitting and smiling. he saw the confused look on my face and he walked over.  

(Bahamut POV) what is wrong young one you look confused. 

(Izuku POV) i thought you were going to teach me how to fight. but you're teaching me how to heal others.

(Bahamut POV) what is power to you young one.

(Izuku POV) the ability to save others to make people feel safe and to make evil fear me.

(Bahamut POV) that is part of it but compassion is also part of being strong. don't ever forget that power without compassion is tyranny. that would make you as bad as the people your trying to stop. these two are some of the best healers i have trained they will be very useful when i begin to spar with you. 

(Izuku POV) i trained for what felt like months but was about a week back home. i was a quick study and i could see the smile on Bahamut face. then he told me i was ready to spar. when he opened his cloak his wing span was very impressive. it snapped out at me i got my arm up just in time to block it and the force launched me through trees and through the building we were staying in. when i landed i thought i would be dead. Dalinda came over to me and healed me i learned in our time studying that her named meant noble serpent. 

(Bahamut POV) rest time is over young one come. i will teach you about how to use your wings your tail and to do partial shifts like how i am right now. did you know your voice is even a weapon. before you leave this place you will know how to control your strength. and how to use your entire body as a weapon. 

(Izuku POV) i got up and i rushed at Bahamut when i saw him open his mouth i leaped out of the way. my instincts screamed when he let out a roar that made my bones rattle and the area where i was a second ago was destroyed. 

(Bahamut POV) good young one how did you know to jump out of the way. 

(Izuku POV) i was about to answer when i felt something wrap around my ankle i looked down and saw it was his tail. i found myself getting thrown i crashed into the side of a hill. Tanwen came over to me and healed me her name means white fire. she leaned over and told me that she thinks that Bahamut really likes me.

(Bahamut POV) you need to learn to pay attention to everything around you young one. the better you can do this the less likely the enemy can surprise attack you. come now young one i will teach you how to use your whole body like a weapon i will make you strong.

Author i hope you enjoyed it see you soon.

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