Perceived loss

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(Izuku POV) As the weekend rolled around and we got into our normal lives Eri was starting to relax again she started sleeping alone again. i wish there was a way to take all of her fears away from her. as i practice my striking techniques my mind drifts who is targeting Eri. i thought this would end when Overhaul was taken down but its only getting worse. or am i the one getting targeted and my loved one are getting caught up in my mess. at that thought i feel the anger begin to rise i when i brought down my heel strike i accidently shattered the ground. the girls stop their striking exercises and run to me.

(Eri POV) i was with my mom's practicing my strikes.  when we heard an explosion and dirt and was flying through the air i run to where my dad is and he was breathing heavy he looked upset. i ask him if he was ok he looked at me his eyes were cat like and i see tears begin to form in his eyes. in a flash i was in his arms and he was hugging me. he whispered in my ear i love you. i told him that i love him too. at this time my mom's start walking up asking is everything ok. 

(Izuku POV) Tsuyu asked my if i was ok i looked at her and said i was fine Ochaco and Momo both looked at me and called me on it. i put Eri down and looked the girls in my life and i knew i would do what ever it takes to keep them safe. I'm sorry i said i just had some things running through my mind and got a little worked up. Kyoka smiled at me and reminded me that i was supposed to meet up with Mina today that should calm you down. Tsuyu looked at me and said i should shower and she would join me if i wanted. Eri looked at me and asked  daddy why do they get to join you in the shower and she can't. Ochaco took Eri by the hand and said she would explain it to her. 

(Mina POV) As i watched Izuku walk up he looked at me and smiled. he has such a warm smile after hearing him talk about his past its hard to believe that he had it so rough. yet here he is kind gentle and loyal to a fault. a man that any smart woman would do anything to keep. i asked him if he was hungry and he said yes. i smiled and said i know a nice pizza place that has outdoor seating. he reached out and took my hand and said lead the way. as we spoke i could see why the other girls who had the nerve to ask him out before me fell for him. i couldn't believe how humble he is. as we sat and ate i could see myself dating him. most other guys that wanted to date me only wanted sex or to see me naked. Izuku doesn't strike me that way he hasn't hit on me or anything. suddenly i felt a hand on my shoulder.   

(Nine POV) i finally found the boy sitting down and eating with a friend. i place my hand on her shoulder and asked him to come with me or he would regret it. 

(Izuku POV) Mister please take your hand off of her. what happened next made my stomach drop he threw her and i heard a bones break as she impacted with the wall. when i looked at her slump to the ground i felt my blood boil the next thing i knew flying though the air after he punched me while i wasn't looking. but all i could think about was Mina's broken body i slammed through a wall before i came to my senses. i exploded out of the wall and saw the man blocking my way to Mina. i looked at him and told him to move before i make him move. 

(Nine POV) child only the strong can force there will upon others and you lack the strength to make me move. but if you come with me now i wont hurt you more than i have too. the boy looked at me with hate in his eyes and they changed smoke was coming out of his nose while he was breathing. once again the boy spoke this time it was with a conviction i never felt before. i felt uneasy this boy is dangerous. i struck at him with lighting while he spoke.

(Izuku POV) Mister if you don't move out of my way your going to before i could finish he attacked me again. lightning i was taught how to manipulate it during my training. i tried to warned him. i will do what ever it takes to get to Mina. i redirected the lighting back at him and it was blocked by some kind of barrier. 

(Nine POV) this doesn't make sense the boy threw my own lighting back at me in a blink he was gone and then he punched my barrier i had to dig my feet in just not to get forced back. he is strong i hit him with a powerful energy blast from my hand to force him back but it barely moved him. i don't want to kill him but if he loses a limb he will survive. lets see how he deals with my summon serpent. 

(Izuku POV) those energy blast stung so i shift my density and harden my skin when i see what looks like a serpent form from his back and attacked me. fine then i'll shift too i did a half shift so that was i don't accidently crush Mina and innocent people and when the serpent tried to bite me i grabbed it by its jaw and tried to split it in half Nine screamed out in pain and tried to pull it back inside himself but i just began to spin he lifted off the ground he looked like a ball at the end of a rope when i let go he flew out of town unable to stop himself i ran to Mina i placed my hand on the center of her chest and began chanting. i focused on only her i closed my eyes as i could feel her body begin to repair itself. 

(Nine POV) i crashed into a building and the only reason i didn't die was because of my barriers that kid is a lot stronger than what i thought. i have to heal first then i will go after him more aggressively. that second form of his looked like a dragon and he was stronger in that form. i'll have to be more careful.

(Mina POV) i woke up to a monster with his hand on my chest chanting something with its eyes closed people were standing around recording it and taking pictures. when i moved it opened its eyes they were a beautiful green color almost like Izuku's but they looked cat like. it told me not to move until he was done i was too scared to move. i began looking around for Izuku i called out for him and the dragon man stopped chanting and said Mina i'm right here.

Author see you soon

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