Deku Vs Bakugo

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Ochaco POV) i saw when Izuku got home but he went straight into the backyard and began to train hard. i told Momo what was going on she was tucking in Eri who was also waiting for Izuku. the three of us went out back to see what was wrong. when we made it to the back he was topless going through a series of martial arts striking movements. Eri ran out to him like she always does and you could just see the anger in his face just melt away. Momo and i walked up to him and asked what was wrong?

(Izuku POV) Kacchan tried to start a fight with me in the hall then he insulted Tsuyu just to get me to swing on him. i convinced him to talk to a teacher and set up a match. so we don't get into trouble but I'm so angry with him. i don't know why he hates me so much i go out of my way not to bother him. Eri looked me in my eyes and said daddy you shouldn't let stupid people make you mad. i looked at her in shock Eri where did you hear this? I heard Mr Aizawa tell that to another teacher one day. i couldn't help myself i busted out laughing Ochaco and Momo were also laughing. Eri asked what was so funny and all i could do was hug her and tickle her until she squealed out a little laugh. 

(Ochaco POV) Ok now we all need to go inside and get some rest tomorrow is a school day. Eri it's time for bed lets go now. 

(Momo POV) Izuku why don't you tuck her in Ochaco and i will be waiting for you in the room don't be too long ok.

(Izuku POV)  as they walked away the sway of their hips made my heart skip a beat. Momo turned before entering the house and put a finger on her lips and gave me a wicked smile. Eri asked me why was my face turning red? I looked at her and smiled come on now my little rabbit i'll read you a story as i tuck you in. she squealed out in joy and forgot about her question. when i got to the room the girls made the rest of my anger melt away with their sweet lips.

(Kacchan POV) i woke up early and went to school to talk with Mr Aizawa to schedule a match with Deku. he promptly declined my request telling me that i wasn't mentally ready for that match yet. but if i could get Izuku to accept he would allow it to happen i told him that Deku already agreed.

(Aizawa POV) What did you do to get him to agree to a fight? better yet are you sure that your ready for this i know that he wouldn't accept a challenge from you without you provoking him. 

(Kacchan POV) Oh yeah im ready for this the sooner the better.

(Aizawa POV) Ok just remember you asked for this we'll have the match on friday. i'll set it up in the gym just the two of you.

(Kacchan POV) No i want the class to see this i everyone to know that i'm the best. i know he told everyone that he beat me.

(Aizawa POV) actually no he didn't. He never said anything to anyone about it he was ashamed of himself for losing his temper in front of his family. So I'll ask you one last time are you sure you want fight him. Without hesitating he said yes 

(Izuku POV) the week flew by and every day after school the girls and I trained in the backyard. Ochaco and Momo advanced to sparing Eri's punches and reflects have gotten much better and Tsuyu  has joined us. I have been working on improving my technique and speed and power. When I was done I would always catch the girls staring at me. This always made me blush Eri always made me smile by repeating something one of the girls would say embarrassing the girls.

(Kacchan POV) as I got ready for my flight with Deku i strapped on my gauntlets. and stepped into the gym. there he was standing in the middle of the gym stretching out when he looked at me all i saw was anger. Mr Aizawa approached me and told me to take off my gauntlets. this was a sparring match not a fight to the death. i tried to get him to change his mind but he didn't budge. this ruined my plan but that's fine i can still do this and stepped into the middle of the gym. 

(Izuku POV) as he stepped up towards me Mr Aizawa laid out the rules of the win knockout or submission or if he stop the fight. was the only way to win this match then he said ready begin. i saw Kacchan blast towards me and i stood my ground. i was tired of running from him tired of him bullying me and most of all tired of him picking on the ones i care for. as soon as he got close as swiftly as i dared i roundhouse kicked him the hit plus his momentum launched him across the gym. i ran after him using OFA and caught him before he hit the wall i threw him back to the center. no more i will not allow him to hurt the ones i love anymore. 

(Kacchan POV) i blasted towards him and as i threw my punch his foot connected to my shoulder and i flew out of control towards the wall. Before i hit it i felt a hand grab my arm and threw me back in the center of the gym. as he landed in front of me i got back up to my feet and threw a series of punches that he simply evaded without even blocking. i could see the malice in his eyes his normally timid eyes were gone. i need to end this quickly once again i use my quirk and blast towards him this time i go low and at the last second i spring up to try to take him down. he side stepped me and used my momentum against me. once again i was flying across the room this time he didn't catch me and i bounced across the ground a few times before i stopped. i quickly got back up to my feet and he just stood there looking at me. i screamed out to him fight me you fucking bastard. 

(Aizawa POV) this isn't a fight Izuku is just having his way with Bakugo. Izuku is on a whole other level. he really hasn't attacked yet but you can feel the hate rolling off his body. Izuku spoke back to Bakugo in a very cold voice.

(Izuku POV) Kacchan be careful what you ask for. you will apologize to all of my family when we're done or i will leave you in so much pain it will hurt you just to talk. 

(Kacchan POV) FUCK YOU!!

Author see you soon. 

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