the family that stands together.

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(Endeavor POV) Midoriya why didn't you just do that before you could have ended this fight before you took the beating? the boy calmly walked up to me and placed his hand on my chest and began a slow chant and my burns stopped hurting. what you can heal too what kind of quirk do you have?  he answered me if i just beat my opponents i would start to become like them. i'm trying to learn my limits and not go too far with my opponents. he walked towards the other downed heros and repeated the chant and healed them. i was taught how to heal by my mentor before he showed me how to throw a punch he taught me how to heal. i asked him how did you make a fire shield or that ball of fire that you hit me with. 

(Izuku POV) i smiled at Endeavor and blew out a thin column of fire grabbed it like a whip and neatly cut a light post in half like a hot knife through butter. the i released the fire and it went away. i looked at building across the street and told the hero's to cover their ears. i let out a sonic blast that destroyed a building wall. i asked them to leave the training area because i couldn't guarantee their safety. i went to the farthest end of the training ground and partial shifted and envisioned heat lots and lots of heat. as i got hotter the concrete began to melt steel warped and turned into liquid. then i stop the pressure was becoming to much and i release the heat in a roar strait up into the air the two building closest to me melted and i had to leap into the air and fly out of the area i was in because everything looked very unstable. i shifted back to my normal self and i could still feel the heat from across the small city. 

(Nezu POV) Oh my i didn't expect that all of the cameras in the area were destroyed the aerial cameras were also destroyed buildings collapsed just because of his heat. Endeavor couldn't even produce the kind of heat at that scale and the fire whip and shield was also amazing. i looked at All Might who also looked shocked. i told him we need to continue to train him how to restrain his power. i looked at the students who didn't look well at all. i told them that this was not to leave this area for his safety if people knew that he weiled this much power people would try to provoke him or even take him just to try to study him or just kill him. they all agreed and Mr Aizawa ran into the room shortly after with Eri asking about the very large fireball that flew into the sky. 

(Izuku POV) the bus ride after today's training was very quiet except for Eri who was telling me how much fun she had playing with the kitten. i would look over to the girls and i could tell they felt a little uncomfortable being around me right now Ochaco and Momo were talking but the others were avoiding eye contact with me. when we got home i started to cook while the girls showered and a few minutes later there was a knock at the door. i opened it and Tsuyu was standing there in a pretty dress. she looked at me and said i need to talk with you so i invited her in and asked her if she would like to eat with us. 

(Tsuyu POV) i thanked him and entered the house it was a cozy looking house. i could smell the food and i took a good look at Izuku and just realized that he was wearing and apron that said kiss the chef. he looked so different from the monster that we faced during training he looked sweet. he was cooking dinner i couldn't help myself i started to giggle. He looked at me and asked do i look funny? i answered him no you don't it's just that after what you showed us today how strong you really are. your in the kitchen with and apron that says kiss the chef i couldn't help myself. he smiled at me and i could feel myself blushing i asked where is everyone? Just then Eri came running into the room in a kitten onesie and she was so cute.  Momo and Ochaco walked into the room in a set of comfortable looking pajamas. i suddenly felt over dressed when the girls greeted me and asked me what brought me over. i needed to talk with Midoriya and then he invited me in for dinner. 

(Izuku POV) let's eat first then we can talk is that ok with you she said yes. we enjoyed our meal and Tsuyu asked me who taught me how to cook and i told he my mom did. i asked Eri to go to the living room and pick out a movie for us to watch and i would join after talking with Tsuyu. then my phone rang i didn't recognize the number and i answered it was Overhaul. he told me that i was going to meet up with him alone this saturday evening or bad things were going to start happening to my loved ones. i could feel the shift starting and i started to take deep breaths i asked him where and he said he was going to call me and let me know here and if i didn't arrive within thirty minutes people would die and if i told anyone people would die then he hung up.

(Tsuyu POV) great he got a phone call then something happened his facial expression changed then his eyes changed they looked cat like then smoke started to come out of his nose and he started breathing deeply he began looking into my eyes and he gaze was so intense i just wanted to run. he looked at me and asked me to please ask Ochaco and Momo to come here. i nodded my head and got them when they saw the look on his face they ran to him and held him. i felt a little ashamed i wanted to run from him he scared me. i watched him start to tremble then he began to cry. he keep taking deep breaths and his shaking stopped and his eyes became normal again. then he looked at me and apologized he said i know i scared you just now and i owe you an explanation but this is something you may not want to know. i looked him in the eyes and said please tell me.

(Izuku POV) Tsuyu i just got a phone call from Overhaul and he said if i didn't meet up with him this saturday alone that he was going to start to kill my loved ones. i know it's a trap but if i don't go i put my mom Ochaco's parent and Momo's parent in harm's way. i looked at Ochaco then to Momo and said i have a plan but i need you to trust me. Ochaco i need you to get my mom and your parents to go over to Momo parents house both of you are going to protect them. i'll go to the park and deal with Overhaul. 

(Tsuyu POV) Midoriya your not going alone i've been working on my quirk and now i can camouflage myself to blend in with my environment basically becoming invisible. i won't let you do this alone please let me help you while Momo and Ochaco protect your families all of us together can make this work please.

Author see you soon.

I had burning godzilla from king of monsters in my head when he was in the town. 

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