Meet the Parents

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(Aizawa POV) Ok students all of your parents have been invited to check up on your progress and meet with your teachers. I've already contacted them so you don't have to worry about informing them or in some of your cases not informing them. at this time put on your costumes and meet me at the gym were going to continue to work on your ultimate moves. 

(Eri POV) why wouldn't people want their parents to know?

(Izuku POV) Well Eri some people aren't doing as well as they should in our class so they might not want their parents here. but for now i need you to go with your mommies so the guy's can get dressed. i leaned down gave her a kiss and sent her on her way. when i got to the gym i could see Eri with Midnight working on her spelling. today I'm going to focus on my electricity and my fire attacks i can see Eri looking my way so i wave to her and then i start to train. 

(Bakugo POV) i see Deku training and WTF!!! when did he learn to use fire and i forgot that he could use electricity. he made a whip out of fire and a shield then i caught a kick to the head by Ectoplasm. he quickly told me to focus on my techniques and not to worry about others. Damn it he's right i get back to training my quirk and i focus trying to get even more focused explosion's for maximum damage. 

(Izuku POV) this week flew by and before i knew it our parents were in the school. My mom was the first to show up and Eri squealed when she entered the class. right behind her were Ochaco's parents then Momo's parents then i saw a large toad looking man and a woman that was also frog like but she was pretty. then i saw a rocker looking guy and a woman that ear jacks like Jiro then Bakugo's mom walked in followed by the rest of the parents. Eri shot out of her seat and ran and hugged my mom. when my mom put her down she ran over to Ochaco's parents and hugged both of them. then she went to Momo's parents and hugged them the sight warmed my heart. all of them hugged her back before she came back to her seat. when my mom got over to my desk i could see Ochaco's parents and Momo's parents looking at me i waved to them. 

(Aizawa POV) ok class were going to the gym put on your costumes and show your parents how much you have grown this year. i send in the students by seat number to show there parents how they improved i notice when Bakugo finished his display his mom asked him why did he need for her to pay for additional hand to hand training. it wasn't until Izuku stepped up that i noticed that quite a few parents were really looking at his performance. i expected maybe the girls he was involved with but Tsuyu's parents Jiro's parents and Bakugo's mom were all really interested. 

(Izuku POV) as i stretched out i looked up and saw my mom looking at me while she held Eri she looked so proud. standing next to her were Ochaco's and Momo's parents they all were looking at me with pride on their faces. as i looked around i saw Tsuyu standing with her family and they were starring at me her father in particular didn't look at happy with me. Jiro was with her family and her father didn't look very happy with me. when Cementos finished with the setup of my course i smiled at my mom and Eri and i began.

(Parents POV) We saw Izuku go into a three point stance then he was gone one of the concrete targets exploded along with the wall behind it. a green blur shot up knocking out three targets in seconds. the last target which was standing behind a wall that was about three feet thick was taken down along with the wall when he was done and the boy wasn't even breathing hard. he looked up to his mom and waived and walked out of the training area. 

(Tsuyu POV) i looked at my dad after Izuku's performance i could see that he was very impressed

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(Tsuyu POV) i looked at my dad after Izuku's performance i could see that he was very impressed. my fathers eye's never left Izuku even as he was walking towards his mom who let Eri go and she ran to him and jumped into his arms. he asked me who was the little girl and i told him that it was his adopted daughter.  he looked down at me and asked me to introduce them he has questions that he wanted answered before he would approve of us as a couple. 

(Jiro POV) My mom looked at me when Izuku joined his family and said i can see why your interested in this boy

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(Jiro POV) My mom looked at me when Izuku joined his family and said i can see why your interested in this boy. My dad looked at me and said that was a rocking performance and looked at how he was acting with Eri. My dad shocked me when he said. i like that he is so good with that little girl you told us he adopted. it makes me feel good about how he will treat my future grandchildren. i felt my face turn red when my mom looked at me and said i think that it's time we meet this boy.

(Izuku POV) as we watch Momo finish her demonstration and she joined us Tsuyu called my name and waved for me to come over. I walked over to her with Eri still in my arms And greeted her and introduced myself to to her parents her father spoke first. Midoriya i would like for you to join us for dinner on Sunday. I would like to know more about the young man who my daughter is interested in he said. I looked over to Tsuyu and said it would be my pleasure we shook hands and he turned and left. 

(Jiro POV) I see Tsuyu walking away with her family when i call out to Izuku he smiled and walked over to us. i introduced him to my parents and my dad introduced himself to Eri shyly said hi. Izuku explained that she was very shy. My mom told Eri that she was very pretty and Eri blushed and said thank you. My dad asked Izuku if he had any plans for tomorrow because he wanted to know more about the Young man who had his daughter enamored. I felt my heart start to race and I blushed. Izuku smiled and said that he would love to join us tomorrow. My mom smiled and said we'll see you tomorrow and she left with my dad I i followed them I turned back and saw Izuku join his mom 

Author see you soon.

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