Sad Past

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(Izuku POV) when we were done kissing she took my hand and asked me to follow her. i follow her she leads me to a alley when i begin to look around we're standing in front of a love hotel. my eyes go wide as she leads me in and gets us a room. as we enter the room her brave façade melts away and the shy girl i fell for is standing in front of me. when she looked at next i could see the fear in her eyes before she spoke. Izuku i have a confession to make.

(Jiro POV) i looked in to his eyes and told him that i wasn't a virgin i was raped about 2 years ago so i can't give you my chastity this is part of the reason i was scared to be with you. i didn't want you to think less of me. or worse i didn't want you to hate me for not being pure like the other girls. what he did next surprised me he wrapped me into a hug his eyes were watering and said i'm sorry if i ever made you felt that way. i felt my heart melt as i asked your not mad at me. Do you still want me? his answer was a simple kiss there was more passion in that one kiss than i ever felt in my life. i melted into his kiss.

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as he leaned in during the kiss she melted into him she began to taking his shirt off. she took his shirt off she began kissing his neck and worked her way down his chest. when she got to his pants she undid his belt and un zipped his pants. she was dumbstruck with how large he was as she started stroking him she opened her mouth and took him in. Izuku moaned as Jiro worked up and down his shaft. when she felt his hand on the back of her head and felt the explosion in her mouth as she struggled to swallow it all. he looked down at her and gently lifted her he was gentle with her slowly taking off her clothing kissing her and caressing her. she moaned and he took off her pants and panties in one fluid motion. he could see how nervous she was so he began by kissing her inner thighs working his way up she moaned louder until he reached love hole she bite down on her bottom lip as he worked his tongue in and out of her she grabbed his head as she came. Izuku began working his way up to her and gently whispered in her ear are you sure you want to do this. those simple words made something in her snap she went from wanting to be with him to wanting to make love to him. she cried out yes and he gently worked himself into her. he began slowly pumping in and out of her gently kissing her lips and fondling her breasts until she lost herself in the moment as they made love until she passed out. she woke up later wrapped in his arms and a leather blanket. 

________________Lemon ending_______________________

(Jiro POV) As she laid there looking at Izuku sleep she wished that this was her first time and not that violent ordeal she suffered through 2 years ago. while she was looking at him she realized that the blanket they were under had veins running through it. she began touching it and it moved and woke Izuku up. 

(Izuku POV) i felt something tickling the inside of my wing and it woke me up i don't remember ever taking them out. i saw Jiro looking at me wide eyed when she realized that i have wings. i nervously smiled at her and said they reflexively come out when I'm protecting something or when i feel protective over something i care about while I'm sleeping.  very few people know this and i'd like to keep it that way. i stood up and took a step back and opened them to their full extent and she sat up and tried to stand but failed she asked me to come closer and began touching them. they come out reflexively when you feel protective over someone she asked while she was blushing. i smile at her and said yes and she began hugging me and said that she really enjoyed last night. i leaned in and hugged her back and wrapped my wings around her as well. Jiro is that why you want to become a hero to catch the people that did that to you.

Jiro POV) the guys that did that to me were caught and are in prison right now. but if i could save the next girl from suffering what i went through it would be worth it to me. Izuku i'm sorry that i  thought you wouldn't want me. i should have known better but i was just afraid. i know it sounds silly now that i said it aloud, but i couldn't help how i felt. your such good guy and i felt dirty like i didn't deserve you because you deserve someone not broken like me.

 (Izuku POV) no Jiro its not silly to feel that way its ok. just know that i love you for you not your past and especially not for something that you had no control over. i will always be here for you for as long as you will have me. but if you want to be with me Jiro i have one request. She looked into my eyes with tears still in hers and said anything you want i'll do it. i reached out and lifted her chin and said don't ever think your broken or not worth being loved. your a kind girl with a big heart and you deserve to be loved. so please don't ever think that again and think better of yourself and if your ever feeling like that again come to me talk with me and i'll help you carry your burden as best i can now and for as long as you will have me. 

(Jiro POV) i hugged him crying his words lifting a weight i didn't even know i was carrying off my shoulders my knees buckled and his strong arms held me his wings wrapped around me and it was warm. i felt safe i felt loved and for the first time in a long time i felt at peace with myself. he held me until i stopped shaking when i pulled back he stood there with tears in his eyes but with a smile on his face and i knew at that moment that he really wanted me for me and that he truly loves me and i would do anything for him. 

(Izuku POV) Jiro we didn't use any protection do you have any of the pills to keep you from getting pregnant? she smiled at me and said yes and pulled a medicine bottle out and popped a pill. come on Jiro lets go home. 

Author POV sorry for taking so long to write this but between work and my kids health i haven't had much time to write but thanks for your patience and i hope you enjoy 

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