a promise kept

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(Izuku POV) As we ride in the truck i harden my skin so that i won't get cut. i asked the villain his name and he told me it was Wolfram. i waited until i thought we were out of town and told the villain to stop the truck. he laughed at me and said no so i shifted my density and the tires blew out and the back bottomed out Wolfram jumped out of the truck and it started to crumple in on me. i start forcing my way out of the truck when i started getting out of the truck i could see wolfram looking at me. the more i try to step out of the truck the more it wraps itself around me i can see rebar shooting out of the concrete. i do a partial shift to stop the rebar i flex my wings and brake free of the truck.

(Wolfram POV) WTF!!! the truck just slammed down i jump out thinking the Dragoon hero landed on top of us some how but its just the two of us. i keep wrapping the truck around him but this is barely slowing him down.  i pull rebar out of the street to try to stop this child I'll just keep stabbing him until he drops. the boy  changed in to a lizard man with wings and broke free of the truck so i send the rebar flying at him and nothing. more i need more i start pulling more metal from the street i start trying to wrap him in it but he made a flaming whip that is cutting the metal like a hot knife through butter. i run up to him while he was distracted and punched him hard enough to shatter bones. to my shock my bones in my hand shattered and i scream out in pain. what is this kid made of he barely took a step back that should be impossible. with the power i put into it he should have been launched at least fifty feet. 

(Dragoon Hero) i saw the villain trying to wrap a thick metal fence around Deku. then Deku made a fire whip and was cutting through it when the villain punched him and screamed in pain this is my chance. i descend on this villain and sent him down hard to the ground. he rolled out of the way of my punch and got to his feet. i threw another punch and he grabbed my arm with his good arm and threw me at Deku who caught me and spun and spread his wings around me i heard the sounds of impact bouncing off his body. my head started to sway as i felt him pressed against me i try to get my head back in the game. but he was staring into my eyes and i couldn't move and he spoke again. 

(Izuku POV) Wolfram i warned you that if you harmed her that i would make sure you regretted it. as i looked into her eyes i could feel my blood boil he just tried to kill her while she was in my arms. i gently set her down and i could see him reinforcing the hand he just broke with metal. he was holding a long piece of metal shaped like a spear. i could feel his malice and see the anger in his eyes. i was trying to wear you down gently but now i think that you could take the punishment that you like to dish out lets finish this.

(Wolfram POV) this kid is a monster i hit him with all of my might and nothing went through his skin and the metal that didn't hit him went into concrete like it was wet paper. i need to get away i can't beat him alone. i even tried to kill that hero from before and the boy shielded her with his body. as i stare him down he disappeared i felt a punch that sent me flying into the truck that he destroyed i threw my spear at him and begin to wrap myself in the metal to shield me from his punches.  

(Izuku POV) I caught the spear that her threw i see that you like metal do you think that it will save you from me. please allow me to show you the error of your ways. i don't want to cook him alive so fire is out. a punch with him surrounded in all of that metal i might kill him accidently. so that leaves electricity i hit him with enough electricity to drop an elephant. i begin walking towards him while his armor started to fall as he dropped to his knees. 

(Dragoon Hero POV) i was blinded by a bright light and all of a sudden there was a thunderclap did he just hit him with lighting? as the villain dropped to his knees i saw Deku walking up to him the villain tried to raise an arm and i heard a bone snap. the villain screamed out in pain again as i stood up Deku threw one last punch that knocked the villain out cold. Deku called out to me and asked me to call the police he said that he needed to leave quickly. i told him the police were on the way i went over to him. once again i was overwhelmed with desire it was primal. i wanted him no that's not right i needed him right now. i placed my hand on his shoulder but he didn't turn so i placed my hand on his cheek and turned his head. once again i was looking into those bright green cat like eyes.

(Izuku POV) i'm in heat and i need to go find my girlfriend or things will go really bad.  i heard the sirens as i looked into her eyes she told me to endure this a little longer and that she would take me somewhere secluded. we both shifted back to normal i stayed back as the police arrived and she made sure everything was taken care of. when she was done she shifted once again i followed suit and we flew away i followed her to a mountain as we got closer i saw a cave and that's where we landed and went inside. i looked at her and said will you find my girlfriend please if i don't mate soon i will do a full shift and go into a rampage until i find a dragon to mate with. i can't control my urges yet please help me. 

(Dragoon Hero) As i heard his plea now i understand he is almost like a ferret when he goes into heat. i smiled at him and walked up to him and told him i that i will help you. i placed my hand onto his face and caressed it. as he looked me in the eyes he told me that he couldn't ask to do this. he told how women within his scent would lose control and want to have sex with him. now i know why he wanted to be alone and why i couldn't get my head in the game. this poor young man this has to be hard on him (no pun intended) i could see the look in his eyes the need in them. the hurt in them for not being able to control his needs. don't worry Izuku you have a dragon here that will help you.

Author see you soon.

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