a Mother's warning and new friends

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(Izuku POV) I tried to call All Might and he didn't answer i can't blame him. i guess he didn't want to see his failure of a successor. my mom is looking at me very concerned.  

(Inko POV) i've never seen my baby looking so down in the dumps and i remember the warning Bahamut gave me. so i approach him and ask is he ok. he looked at me and said yes. i think that i need to warn him. i said Izuku we need to speak.

(Izuku POV) i look at my mother when she asked me if i was ok. now she said we need to talk now she is looks worried. 

(Inko POV) i start with the talk asking him has he been feeling does he feel any different. then i start with the warning that Bahamut gave me. he begins to look at me like i've lost my mind and who could blame him. i left out to part that the man jumped into the air and changed into a dragon. i think the would try to get me locked up. please baby just trust your mother on this. promise me. 

(Izuku POV) my mom tells me that when the i start to feel like i'm going to lose control that i need to go deep into the woods to calm down if i could find powerful heros to go with me. does she know about all for one? she continued on and made me promise her that i would heed her warning if i every got to that point.  

(Inko POV) Izuko im going to get the mail i'll be right back. I wonder if im going a little overboard  warning him like that. he's always been a positive child but that  man's warning puts a chill down my spine. 

(Izuku POV) i go to my room and begin adding weight to my dumbbell getting ready for my daily routine of arm workouts when my mom shouts it's here it finally came in and hands me a letter from UA. 

(Author) it goes cannon until he enters the just after the eraserheads exam.

(Izuku POV) after another big scare (i thought i was getting dropped from the hero course) i see Iida as i walk out the school and i hear a voice a call out to us it was  Ochako asking us to wait. she called Iida by his name then called me Deku i instantly tell her my name and how i got called Deku.

(Ochako POV) i apologize for calling him Deku and told him it gives me a can do feeling in which he just turns red its kinda cute on him.  i ask if i could join them on their walk home and they agree.

(Izuku POV) After she told me Deku gave her a can do feeling i said Deku it is she is just really cute and the first female that has given me any kind of attention. so when she asked can she join us i said yes. and the three of us headed to the train station. 

(Izuku POV) a week later Ochako and i have been spending more and more time together she was my partner in the combat scenario vs lida and kacchan which we won that still makes me happy to say. i have befriended most of the class minus kacchan of course. but i find myself enjoying my time with Ochako she's cute. i just don't know how she feels about me. but little did i know that kacchan had different plans for me as we continue with our classes.

(Bakugo POV) that dam nerd is getting stronger i need to find a way to put him in his place and show him that he doesn't belong not just that he doesn't belong he never belonged i don't know how he got his quirk but i'll find a way to hit him where it hurts.

(Bakugo POV) that dam nerd is getting stronger i need to find a way to put him in his place and show him that he doesn't belong not just that he doesn't belong he never belonged i don't know how he got his quirk but i'll find a way to hit him wher...

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(Izuku POV) as were in class Mr Aizawa told us were going on a class trip tp practice rescue training once we got to the USJ we met up with pro hero 13 and then everything that could go wrong did. Villains and lots of them one the boss i guessed had a lot of hands on his body and one that covered his face. as they came through a warp gate Mr Aizawa told us to stay back the were real villains and even after i told him he didn't stand a chance that this is not the type of fighting he did. he told me if your a one trick pony you'll never be a pro and jumped straight into the fight. as i watched in awe of how Mr Aizawa i mean Eraserhead at this point was handling him self but i knew it was a matter of time before they wore him down. we tried getting a hold of any emergency law enforcement but all signals were blocked the next thing i know i was swallowed up in a black mist and dropped into the water. were a villian that looked like he was half shark was coming to eat me. when i felt something wrap around me and Tsuyu called out my name. it was her tongue and she was holding mineta as well she kicked the villain in the face and with her tongue placed me in the boat. the next thing i know Mineta got slammed onto the boat he probably did something pervy again. 

(Tsuyu POV) i saw Midoriya about to be eaten i grabbed him with my tongue and kicked the villain in his face. as i placed Midoriya gently in the boat while Mineta placed his head in my boob and said they were nice floaties. so i slammed him into the boat close to where i put Midoriya and climbed up. i asked them both what is our plan and was surprised with how fast Izuku came up with one that best used our quirks he even took into account where all of the villains were. he even went as far to use himself as bait. i could tell he was nervous but it didn't stop him. im kinda impressed with him he really is amazing and still very humble. 

(Izuku POV) Tsuyu asked what was our plan so i asked about their quirks and came up with a plan using me as the bait once we all agreed

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(Izuku POV) Tsuyu asked what was our plan so i asked about their quirks and came up with a plan using me as the bait once we all agreed.  i jumped off the side of the boat and yelled it worked all of the villains were staring at me so i flicked my finger and screamed now Tsuyu and she leaped once again holding Mineta and grabbing me with her tongue taking us towards the shallow water as mineta starts throwing his sticky balls at the water towards the villains. we made it but as i thought Eraserhead was in trouble and so were we. 

(Author) the rest goes cannon from here 

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