Frog Prince

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(Tsuyu POV) i got to my room and took a shower

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(Tsuyu POV) i got to my room and took a shower. when i got to my leg i saw a tiny mark on my calf where i got stabbed. i touched it and thought about how Izuku healed me i finished my shower and i called Ochaco. i told her that we were back and i laid down and i feel asleep i woke up to a knock on my door. i got out of bed and opened my door it was Izuku and i slammed the door in his face. i didn't want him to see me in my PJ's why is he here so early. i tell him that I'll be right out. 

(Izuku POV) Tsuyu slammed the door in my face and told me she will be right out. i spoke with Ochaco last night about Tsuyu and we called Momo and they agreed to bring her into the family. i thought it would be better to tell her face to face. after about fifteen minutes she opened the door and she looked pretty. 

(Tsuyu POV) why are you here so early? when he told me that he spoke with the girls and they accepted me into the family. i felt my face turn red and i kissed him when i let him go he was blushing. he told me that he was going to pick up Eri and Momo and when he returned he was going to pick me up and take me over to the house. he leaned in and gave me a hug and left. i could feel the glow reach my ears. i go back into my room but i can't relax so i decide to get some breakfast. as I'm eating my breakfast Jiro started tapping my shoulder and asked if i was ok. i told her i was fine but she just looked at me.

(Jiro POV) Tsuyu are you sure your ok? your cheeks are red and your in a daze. i was calling your name but you didn't hear me so i tapped your shoulder. i think that recovery girl is in her office we could stop by and have her check you. what's the special occasion? your dressed really nice today I've never seen you in that dress before. don't tell me that you have a date? is that why your all dressed up and spaced out. who is it? is he in our class let me guess is it Sero or Tokoyami i know they like you. 

(Tsuyu POV) no its not like that i just felt like dressing up today. Mina walked in and told us that the police caught Overhaul and another villain yesterday. that they received an anonymous phone call both villains were in bad shape but both would live. the thought of Izuku in that state made me shudder. 

(Mina POV) I went silent when i got a good look at Tsuyu and asked who was the lucky guy. Tsuyu face snapped up towards me.

(Tsuyu POV) i just felt like dressing nice today. why does it always have to be about a boy with you guys. then another voice got our attention and i felt embarrassed.

(Bakugo POV) hey frog princess who's the lucky toad. seriously why are you dressed up so nice let me guess your meeting up with a frog prince. 

(Mina POV) i was just about to tell Bakugo off when i heard a very angry Izuku answer him first and all eyes were on him.

(Izuku POV) apologize now or you will be very sorry. did you hear me Kacchan i said apologize now.

(Bakugo POV) yea what ever sorry. Wait, hold up don't tell me you're the frog prince she's waiting for. You greedy bastard you're already dating two of the prettiest girls in our class. Why would you be interested in her?

(Jiro POV) I can see the hurt in Tsuyu eyes as I wrap my arms around her. Before I could yell at Bakugo i heard Izuku speak in a cold hard voice. Tsuyu and I both looked at Izuku he looked like he wanted to hurt Bakugo. We didn't expect what we heard next.

(Izuku POV) Kacchan for someone who is so strong you're blind. Tsuyu is very beautiful not only is she pretty she's smart and cool under pressure she is someone who I can rely on when I'm down. I'm so grateful that she would allow me the privilege of being able to take her out on a date. Anyone she decided to be with would be lucky to have such a wonderful person in their life. 

(Tsuyu POV) I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Izuku thinks that highly of me I couldn't help myself and I started to cry. When I  looked over at Jiro she was speechless she looked happy for me but she was sad. 

(Izuku POV) I looked over to Tsuyu  and saw her crying being held by Jiro and I felt the anger building inside of me. I walked over to her and reached out to her and said let's go. Jiro let her go and she stepped back I thanked her and asked her if she wanted to join us. Tsuyu reached out and grabbed my hand and then she asked me if i really meant what i said. I smiled at her and said I meant every word I said Jiro are you coming?

(Jiro POV) I don't want to be a third wheel. then he smiled at me and said you comforted Tsuyu when I should have been there for her. Tsuyu then asked me to join them this made me happy and I said yes and left with them. 

(Tsuyu POV) Izuku why did you come back so soon I though you're picking up your family?

(Izuku POV) Ochaco asked me to come by and pick you up and drop you off at the house before I picked up the girls and I'm glad that I did. I looked back at Kacchan one last time then I followed the girls out.

(Bakugo POV) what in the hell do they see in that loser I said out loud. Mina said he's kind, loyal to a fault, smart and he'll do anything to protect his family. I told her to shut up that I didn't ask her and I went back to my room. i need to keep going over the MMA videos to learn takedown techniques and show Deku  that I'm still number one.

 Author see you soon.

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