Bahamut and Eri

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(Ochaco POV) Wow i didn't see that coming so you went into a cave and a dragon named Bahamut talked to you and gave you power? weren't you afraid that he would eat you. what else can you do.

(Izuku POV) I'm not 100% sure i turned into a full dragon once i know i can pull out wings my vision also changes how i see people i can look into them like there intentions. i also know that one of my down sides is i go into heat and can't control myself. i also know that when i found the one for me i bonded with her she turns pink at that part. before i forget please don't tell anyone only 6 people know my secret and until i learn to control it nobody can know.

(Ochaco POV) How do you know i'm the one? i won't tell a sole i promise. 

(Izuku POV) my whole world shifted that day i knew at that moment that i would do anything for you what i said to your dad wasn't bluster it was the truth. i also spoke with Momo and i'll be meeting with her on sunday. i'll hear her out even if i accept her you will always be my number one. 

(Ochaco POV) thank you Deku for everything for how you treat me for hearing me out with Momo. you really are a wonderful person i think i need to go to my room now i'll see you in the morning. 

(Izuku POV) i see Ochaco leave and i lay down on the sofa i start to think about what she said i think it's about time i start to learn more about my dragon abilities. but for now i should go to sleep. but i can't i'm feeling restless knowing Ochaco is one room over and i'm not with her. i start taking deep breaths and i can smell her scent.  i close my eyes and try to clear my mind and i try to doze off. 

(Ochaco POV) i'm feeling restless Deku's in the living room i wonder if i could sneak in there and wake up early and sneak back into my room. i go into the living room and lay onto his chest and cover us both up and doze off.

(Izuku POV) i feel Ochaco crawl under my blanket and snuggle into my chest her warmth and scent helps me doze off. i start to feel like someone is staring at me and i open my eyes. i see both of Ochaco's parents sitting in front of us drinking a cup of coffee. i look down and i see my little mochi is still out cold on my chest. i feel the red going up my neck onto my face and to the tips of my ears. i can see her mother's grin at my embarrassment her father made a throat clearing sound and my little mochi's eyes shoot open and her face turns even more red than mine. she sat straight up and i jumped off the sofa and kneeled and for asked for forgiveness. 

(the mother POV) she used to do that a lot as a child i guess she never really grew out of it. now had you gone into her bedroom this would be a different conversation. let's get ready to go out and enjoy the day. 

(Izuku POV) while we were walking down the street a little girl ran into my leg she was a mess she wore bandages and a little dress that was more rag than dress

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(Izuku POV) while we were walking down the street a little girl ran into my leg she was a mess she wore bandages and a little dress that was more rag than dress. she had a little horn which was cute on her. i could see she was terrified i reached out to her and she flinched in fear. i looked at Ochaco and told her somethings really wrong get your parents away from here my instincts are screaming danger. she nods her head and tell her parent to start walking. 

(The father POV) A little girl ran out of an ally dressed in rags and Midoriya i guess i should call him Izuku because he is dating my daughter tells us to leave. i wanted to ask why but my daughter grabbed my arm and started to pull us and said to trust him. so we walked away quickly and she called one of her teachers. 

(Izuku POV) i slowly reached out to the little girl and she allowed me to pick her up off the floor while i was kneeling i take a better look at her and my blood starts to boil i can see the abuse she went through. as she hugged me and i felt her fear. a man walk out of the ally wearing a crow style plague mask. he asked me to give him back his daughter something inside me triggered i picked up the little girl and asked him what he was doing to her. 

(Overhaul POV) are you another one suffering from the hero sickness she is my child and you need to give her back to me. children run when they are in trouble and she needs to come home now. 

(Izuku POV) i don't believe you but don't worry the cops and some heros will be here very soon.  we can resolve this issue then. i can feel the child starting to shake uncontrollably. 

(Overhaul POV) Listen boy give me the girl or you will regret it.

(Izuku POV) i charge up OFA (one for all) ready to strike this man hard when another man came from behind him wearing a diffrent style plague mask and said something the first guy. when he looked at me and i could see the hate in his eyes saying that this wasn't over. he turned around and walked back down the alley. i now look at the little girl trembling in my arms and smiled at her. it's going to be alright because i'm here to protect you. (i've always wanted to say that) i asked the little girl what is your name she told me her name we Eri. i asked her for her family name and she said she didn't have one. 

(Eri POV) No one has ever held me like this i feel safe and he has a nice smile. not the fake ones i see everyday. he told me he would protect me maybe he can help me when he asks me my name i give it to him. i can feel my shaking slowly stop i can feel his warmth and his strength flow into me. i see flashing lights and people start coming at us quickly i start to shake again are they going to take me back to the bad man.  

(Izuku POV) as the police and the hero's arrive i see Ochaco running towards me as well i can also feel the little girl start to shake again. i hold her tight and tell her it's going to be alright. i asked the police and the hero's to approach slowly so that the little girl could calm down. Ochaco looks at me and then she looked at the little girl and asked me what happened. by this time All  Might Midnight and Eraserhead were here as well. i explained everything in great detail about the man in the mask his associate. the warning he gave me and how they left when the paramedics arrived to check and take Eri she cried out when they took her from my arms and the paramedic started to get younger fast Eraserhead used his quirk on her and i took her back and she passed out. 

(Eraserhead POV) i hear the girl scream when taken from Midoriya and the paramedic started to get young fast i use my quirk to stop the girl and Midoriya took her back i looked at him and said what have you gotten yourself into problem child.

Author see you soon.

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