Wrath unleashed

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(Izuku POV) As I look at All Might and my teachers I told them everything Overhaul told me.

(All Might POV) I can see the anger in young midoriya eyes they were starting to shift I put a hand on him and tell him to breath. I see him take deep breaths and smoke started to come out of his nostrils when he exhaled. then he looked me in the eyes and told me he has to go get his family. I remember when he told me that he would always be able to find Ochaco. I reminded him that he isn't a hero yet this is hero work.

(Izuku POV) All Might this is my family you don't understand the nightmares Eri had when she came to live with me. he told me he was going to make them suffer I'm not going to wait. I'll get them back and bring them home safely. I'm going to change now and then I'm getting my family because it's the right thing to do.

(Mr Aizawa POV) Trouble maker listen to me. if you go down this route know that this isn't training they will try to hurt or even kill you. you don't have permission to die. go get your family quickly we will be there as soon as possible to make sure your alright.

(Izuku POV) Yes sir Mr. Aizawa I bolt into the house I saw Momo and Ochaco's dad they both looked at me with surprise and confusion. I told them I will explain everything as soon as I get back but for right now I have to go. I changed and bolted out the door I leaped into the air and let my instincts take over. I release my wigs and make a course change and pick up my speed. I can feel her I can feel her worry I fly even faster. I land in front of a mansion the impact from my landing shattered the concrete. I can feel Ochaco she is underground in the house in front of me I pull out my phone call All Might told him where I was and I went to work.

(Ochaco POV) I felt the ground shake and I ran to Eri. she asked me what was that I smiled at her daddy is here! stay with me I'll protect you.

(Izuku POV) I ran to the gate the only thing keeping me from just destroying everything is I didn't want to accidently crush my family. as I got to the gate a big guy came out to greet me and I welcomed him with a punch that threw him back through the gate and into more of the Yakuza. as I entered the gate all hell broke loose. they shot at me with guns and others used their quirks I hardened my skin and decided a partial shift was best. bullets bounced off me I barely registered the quirks. I use electricity and dropped most of them I pushed forward into the mansion and kicked the door right off the frame and ran into the building.

(Overhaul POV) what the hell is going on. Chrono ran in boss were under attack. how many are there and how come we didn't know.

(Chrono POV) from the reports there is only one but he is going through our forces like they were nothing.

(Overhaul POV) who is this person All Might is the only one strong enough to pull that off but he is retired.  

(Chrono POV) I think it was the boy that took Eri from you he fit the description. I didn't think that he was that strong boss maybe we should leave.

(Overhaul POV) we will not lose to just one person send the precepts lets. first send Rappa and Tengai between Tengai shield and Rappa punches they should be able to stop him. in fact send Irinaka as well his mimic ability should seal the deal.

(Izuku POV) they are like roaches they keep coming but thanks to all of the training I received they are nothing. I enter a room where there is nothing but a sword hanging on the wall when the wall came shooting towards me so I punched it harder than I wanted to and it imploded and I heard a scream. a guy came rushing at my throwing a ton of punches even before he got to me I threw one punch hard enough to knock him out and not kill him and it was stopped by some kind of barrier. then a part of the ceiling came rushing towards me. I jumped back and focused my scenes and I realized that I'm fighting three people not two. I look up at the ceiling and there he was he thought that he was hiding I leaped up throwing one punch knocking him out and I threw him into a corner. I look at the two in front of me and I felt the anger start to build up I need to go faster. once again the guy charged me throwing punched this time I threw a very hard punch what ever shield was there was smashed sending both men flying threw a wall. knocked unconscious. I close my eyes and I focus I can feel her she is not too far away to my left I look down and remembered my training and let my real weight hit the floor and the floor buckled it couldn't support my weight. I fell through it I was now in the tunnels. but I could smell my little mochi and I knew that Eri was with her.

(Ochaco POV) I hold Eri close to me when we heard a loud crash.

(Eri POV) Mommy what's that sound.

(Ochaco POV) I can feel Izuku coming for us I can feel his rage and his fear. I begin to weep with out realizing it.

(Eri POV) Mommy are we going to be ok? why are you crying?

(Ochaco POV) I'm sorry baby I didn't realize I was crying. it's your daddy he is coming and right now he is scared that he isn't going to get to us in time. I scream out to him so that he knows where we are.

(Izuku POV) I can feel her instead if running thru the maze I start running through the walls. until I hear Ochaco call out. I stop and tell them to get away from the wall and duck behind something.

(Ochaco POV) we flip the bed and grab the small table and placed it behind the bed and went under it I yelled out ok. the wall shattered and a very angry Izuku was standing there. when Eri and I got out from under the table the next thing I felt was me in his arms he was squeezing Eri and I. I looked at him and he was crying he smiled at us and asked us if we were ok.  

(Izuku POV) did he hurt you in any way?

(Ochaco POV) no he didn't he didn't touch either of us.

(Izuku POV) we need to leave and right now I don't care how much of the building gets destroyed. I wrap my wings around them both and start to fully shift.

(Overhaul POV) what is going on we need to get out of here. the building feels like its about to collapse. then I see it for a second but this can't be right it was green and it's eye was huge it looked almost lizard like and it saw me too. This isn't over I'll get my  revenge then I fled.

(Izuku POV) as the building collapsed around me I saw him but I need to get my family out of here first. once again I heard gun fire I whipped my tail to the ground and the ground shook I spread my wings and the villain's started to run out of fear. I lifted my head and looked around and then I roared. when I saw that it was safe I gently lift Ochaco and Eri to the street as I look at them I could see the look on Eri's face it was a look of wonder and awe. I see the Hero's starting to arrive I lower them and think to them it will be ok because I'm here. then I start to phase back to normal size.

Author POV see you soon

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