Abandon the plan

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Izuku pov) Mina and Toru get up both of their legs still wobbly i helped them get dressed and took them back to the dorms. I got a phone call it was the Dragoon hero she was on her way to the hospital the baby was coming. I ran out of the dorms and let my wings out of my back and rushed to the hospital. I got to the hospital at the same time as Ryuko the Dragoon hero. I could see the pain on her face and reached out at take her hand as we enter the hospital. Three hours later a cry rang out and Izuku's family grew by one.

Ryuko pov) I looked to see the doctors give the baby to Izuku i could see the love in his eyes. I knew he would do anything to protect this child. Izuku turned to me and handed me our baby. I looked into his eyes and smiled he has Izuku's emerald green eyes. What shall we call him i asked. Izuku smiled and said Tatsuya its linked to the sign of the dragon. which represents us both what do you think he continued. Tatsuya i let the name flow out of my mouth i love it. Thank you for being here for me when i called you i said it means a lot to me.

Izuku pov) I look at Ryuko holding our child and leaned in and kissed them both as the doctor ushered me out letting me know that they needed there rest. Reality hit me i have a son now plus Eri and another child on the way. I walked to the closest park and picked up my phone and called All Might.

All Might pov) When i got to the park Izuku was sitting down with his head down face in his palms. I sat next and asked are you alright?

Izuku pov) I don't know my family grew by one today Ryuko gave birth to my son Tatsuya. I'm happy but I'm scared and a little lost.

All Might pov) what do you mean by lost you've been doing a great job with Eri.

Izuku pov) I have a huge target on my back and when i think about everything i have to lose now i don't know what to do to keep them safe from AFO and his minions when they find out about the rest of my children.

All Might pov) Izuku i can't claim to know how you feel but i do have an idea on how to protect the one's you love.

Izuku pov) Really!!

All Might pov) Yes strike at the one's targeting you family first. I know that you had a plan to go after them with the girls but you need to abandon that plan and go after them first and show them why you don't target a hero's family.

Izuku pov) What All Might told me struck a cord with the more primal side of me protect what is mine. I look at All Might and said i agree i will bring them to justice and show them why you don't mess with my family. Thank you All Might for being here for me i can't ever repay your kindness. I asked all Might if Ochaco was still with my mother so i can pick her up.

All Might pov) I dropped Ochaco of at your place before coming here. Izuku you don't have to worry about repaying me just keep doing your best and become the worlds greatest hero. Izuku stood up and gave me a hug and launched into the air like a bullet.

Izuku pov) When i got home the girls were still in bed. I checked on Eri before i went to my room she was cuddled up with her plushie that looked like me that Momo made for her. All of the girls were in my bed when i began to strip out of my clothes and i put on my hero costume. i wrote a note and told the girls that i was ok and I'll be back in a couple of days. When i left the house i called All Might and told him i was going out on patrol in the Area where nine attacked me in hopes that i will run into him again.

Chimera pov) i can't believe it the boss is going to be happy that kid is back in our area i call Nine and let him know that Izuku has been spotted what would you like me to do. what he tells me puts a huge smile on my face. Take him down at all costs and that Nine is on his way. I release my true power and leap towards him throwing a punch that should be able to take his head off his shoulders.

Izuku pov) I heard concrete break and i harden my skin out of reflex when i felt a punch hit me in the back of my head even with my skin hardened i was thrown fifty feet into and through a couple of buildings. i saw static around the edges of my eyes as i got back on my feet. Who ever hit me was trying to one shot me. as i spun around to face my attacker i saw a red beam shooting right at me i turn to my half dragon state and i harden my scales and increased my density to tank the shot to keep collateral damage down.

Chimera pov) after the punch i saw that he was still able to move so i release my strongest beam attack. i aim center mass and release this should cut him and the house's behind him in half. what the hell is this kid made of that shot should have cut him in half. I just have to keep him busy until Nine can get here to finish him off.

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