Class trip

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(Izuku POV) The week flew by between training with All Might, school and teaching Eri time has been flying by. i have been making great improvements (OFA). Ochako and I have adjusted to living together i really have been enjoying it. i never thought that my life would turn out this way. Ochako is a great mom even though she spoils Eri. as we head into school Momo approached us wanting to talk to Ochaco and i.  

(Momo POV) as Izuku and Ochaco approach walking hand in hand with Eri in the middle that really makes me want to live with them. i asked Izuku and Ochaco about moving in and to my surprise Ochaco was really happy. They both agreed to me moving in after the class trip that makes me very happy. as we get into class Eri goes to her little table as i watch Izuku pull out her little spelling books and math books. he is such a good father i wish he would be the father of my children. 

(Aizawa POV) i tell the class to get ready for the trip. i look at Eri and smile as i look at her practicing her spelling. i ask her if she is ready for the trip she smiled at me and said yes. i tell the class to get their gear and meet me at the bus. 

(Izuku POV) Lida is in full gear lining everyone up to get us in the bus. as i get in Ochaco sits next to me Eri is on my lap Momo is sitting across from me i can see a different look in her eyes. as i wonder what she is thinking. i can hear Eri snore a little she is so cute i hear Mr Aizawa tell us to get off the bus. as i get out the bus Eri wakes up and looks around. Mr Aizawa calls her over he wanted to show her something. i put her down and she walked over to him that's when the wild wild  pussycats introduced themselves and i begin to fan boy.  the next thing i know the whole class is flying deep into the woods. 

(Aizawa POV) i hear Eri cry out for her daddy i tell her that it's ok. i tell her that it's a race and were going to beat her daddy to the camp. she looks at me and asks me if he going to be ok. i tell her yes and introduce her to Kota she still shy about meeting new people. but we get back into the bus and we go to the camp.

(Izuku POV) After a bunch of fights with Dirt Monsters we finally get to camp and i hear Eri cry out to me saying that they won the race. she jumps into my arms i'm so tired that i almost dropped her. after i put her down she pulled my arm to introduce me to a little boy. Ochaco and Momo come up to us and asked about her new friend. the boy is shy but i can feel the anger in him there is something about us he doesn't like. after the introductions we unloaded the bus and sat and ate. Eri sat in between Ochaco and i while Momo sat on the other side of me. i listened to Eri tell me about her trip and how she had fun coloring with Mr Aizawa. now its time for a bath i get excited because its an open air hot spring. Eri goes with Ochaco after we explained why boys went to one side while the girls went to another. 

(Eri POV) Daddy told me to go with mommy but i wanted to go with him so i asked why? when he showers with mommy all the time. i don't understand why the girls turned red mommy being the worst of them. but i go with mommy she promised me that they will make it up to me when we get home. 

(Izuku POV) After getting the look from all the guys we step out into the hot springs and it was nice the only thing separating the boys from the girls was a wall. while we were soaking in the water Mineta goes to the wall and i can see the drool on the side of his mouth while he is looking at the wall. as soon as he popped the first ball off his head i jumped out of the water and grabbed him by his neck i felt the anger in me rise as i told him if he tried to do that again i will castrate him.

(Mineta POV) i know that all of the girls are naked on the other side and its a mans job to try to peek on a woman if she is naked. i pop a ball off my head and start to climb the wall when i get jerked off the wall by Izuku as i try to look at him there is something different about his eyes they changed they were cat like. for the first time i found myself truly afraid of Izuku. after his threat he threw me back into the hot spring and started to walk away after he called out to Ochaco Momo and Eri telling them that he was stepping out and that they should do the same. 

(Ochaco POV) After the girls stopped asking me about showering with Deku. Eri and i were enjoying the hot spring when i heard Deku say he was stepping out and we should do the same. i tell Eri to follow me so we could meet up with daddy. she said ok Momo stuck out a hand and i saw Eri grab it and Eri reached out with he other hand for mine and i took it. i could hear the rest of the girls saying how cute that was that Eri reached out for our hands as they followed us out of the hot springs then Mina stopped Momo and i as we were getting dressed and asked us a question.

(Mina POV) Ochaco i understand why Izuku called out to you and Eri but why did he call out to Momo as well?

Author see you soon.

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