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(Izuku POV) The heroes caught a lot of villains but Overhaul got away. Momo and Ochaco's dad arrived with the police. Momo ran and jump onto me hugging me  and crying.

(Momo POV) why do you always have to scare me why didn't you ask for my help. why did I have to hear about it from the teachers. Don't you trust me?

(Eri POV) mommy Momo I'm sorry it's my fault. The bad man took me and mommy Ochaco and daddy got scared and came for us I'm sorry.

(Momo POV) Eri just called me mommy pull her into a hug and start to  crying it's not your fault. Eri did you just call me mommy ?

(Izuku POV) all I could do was smile as I heard  Eri tell Momo yes. I looked over to Ochaco and saw her being hugged by her father. I felt a hand on my shoulder it was All Might he looked around and was shocked that I leveled the yakuza hideout.  

(All Might POV) young Midoriya i can't believe that you did all of this in under thirty minutes. We really need to talk about it when we get back to UA.

(Izuku POV) OK All Might I'll tell you everything. I felt another hand on my shoulder when I turned around to see who it was Ochaco's dad grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. He was crying while he thanked me for saving his baby.  when I pulled back Eri came running to me and told me that she knew I was coming for her.  I will always come for you my little rabbit but I think its time for us to leave. I want to get you home I've missed you and I need to talk with both of your moms.

(Eri POV) your not mad at me are you?

(Izuku POV) no baby I'm not mad at you. this isn't your fault and it's daddy's job to protect his children let's go home. Ochaco's dad offered to take us home but All Might said he would take us. The police were finishing up with criminals when we left. As we traveled home Eri feel asleep in my lap I know that the nightmares would start again as she whimpered in her sleep. Ochaco also feel asleep. I could see All Might smile as he looked at me as through the mirror. He told me that we would talk tomorrow along with the principal Nezu and Mr Aizawa. As we pulled into UA and went over to my house I gently Passed Momo Eri and I picked up Ochaco and carried her inside. As I laid Ochaco next to Eri they begin to snuggle with each other. I looked over to Momo and asked her to join me in the living room.

(Momo POV) as we entered the living room I could see the look of intensity on his face he asked me to sit down. He began to tell me everything. From how he met the dragon to his very intense training. I was shocked to hear him tell me this. Now it made sense when I was told to add a separate room in the basement. The he apologized to me again for not telling me sooner. All I could do is get up and hug him. I held him tightly and I told him that i forgave him. That i wasn't mad at him i was hurt that he didn't ask for my help. I also told him how much i missed him. 

(Izuku POV) it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders When I pulled out of the hug Momo looked at me and then she asked me how i was feeling. now that i'm back in our home i can feel the days stress hitting me i told her the truth i'm tired but i'm better im glad to have my complete family home. 

(Momo POV) my complete family? 

(Izuku POV) yes if you were the one taken i would have gone to save you also. Momo i love you, if someone were to take you from me i would search the ends of the earth to find you. i wouldn't rest until i bring you home. 

(Momo POV) all i could do after hearing this was hug and kiss him. Izuku lets go to bed i know your going to have an early morning. 

(Izuku POV) i need a shower first would you like to join me. 

(Momo POV) i would love to join you. 

(Izuku POV) as we entered the bedroom Ochaco woke up. she saw us headed to the bathroom and asked if she could join us. i smiled at her and said yes she put the pillow in Eri's arms and she joined us. we left the door slightly open so if Eri woke up we would know. as i looked at the two beautiful women strip in front of me i could feel my face go red. 

(Ochaco POV) baby as many times as you have seen us naked your still blushing.

(Izuku POV) when Ochaco called me out on my blushing it made my blush go deeper. when i looked back at them they were completely nude and walking to the large shower. i got undressed and joined them as i entered the shower they began washing me i could feel my stress wash away. i feel like the luckiest man on this earth and my head began to swim. we heard whimpers from the bedroom Eri was starting to cry. i looked at my girls and said a daddy's job is never done. i stepped out of the shower dried off and went to Eri's side as soon as i sat by her she hugged me. As the  girls entered into the room they smiled as they saw Eri holding on to me and crawled into bed with us and we all passed out from the stress of the day.

Author see you soon

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