Growing pains and entrance exam

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(Izuku POV) i have been training with All Might for the past 2 months and is has been nothing but hell on my body. im in pain every day my mom said that i look like i grew a few inches and she was right i grew three inches in two months. i guess that's why my bones hurt so much. but i am improving but its not happening fast enough not if i want to be like All Might. i also train on my own to get to my goals faster. while running behind All Might who is on a segway with what he called a light safe (about 200 lbs) my body just gives out. 

(All Might POV) As Izuku has been following me i have been impressed by his physical and literal growth i think he about 2-3 inches taller and is analytical skills are also impressive and only seem to be improving. all of a sudden i hear a crash i turn around and see young midoriya on the ground he looks spent. get you want to be plus ultra right i get off my segway and take a better look at him he's been overdoing it. i look at him and tell him you're not following my routine are you and pick him up.

(Izuku POV) All Might picked me up telling me im overdoing it. i tell him i need to improve i need to be as good as him. my mind is a buzz of ideas on how to improve but my body just can't keep up with it right now. 

(All Might POV) as im holding young midoriya i realize he is heavier than he looks. i tell remind him that i made that list with his body in mind and were going to get back on track and follow my schedule.

(Izuku POV) its exam day and i just moved the final piece of litter off the beach it was a freaking truck and i was able to move it on my own

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(Izuku POV) its exam day and i just moved the final piece of litter off the beach it was a freaking truck and i was able to move it on my own. as i finish moving it i get on top of it and scream a primal scream one of pride of triumph. and then i collapse. 

(All Might POV) As i get to the beach i hear a scream it was Izuku on top of a small truck screaming i look at the beach and it was spotless no trash on it at all and not just in the area i told him to clean he cleaned the entire beach this was more that i thought he could manage once again this child has proven to me what he is capable of when given the chance. i look over to him and see hime collapse i turn into my muscle form and catch him. he looked at me and asked me did he do well. is he worthy of my power. i well in in pride and say yes that he more than deserves it. i pluck a piece of hair off my head and tell him eat this. you need my DNA so you can inherit my power. 

(Izuku POV) this isn't what i thought how this was going to happen i thought he would touch me and i would glow or something like that. not eating a piece of hair gross. i take the hair and eat it. and i don't feel any different. he tells me that i have to let it digest. now i have to run if i want to make it to the exam on time. 

(Author) what Izuku and All Might don't know is that thanks to the dragon seal on Izuku's bones this amps up All Might's Power and Izuku's bones start to reinforce themselves more to try to handle the added power now starting to flow into him.

(Izuku POV) i get to the exam area and i see Kacchan and he looks at me with disgust as he walks by me it's better than what it he used to be like. oh well its time to take the test and i trip.

(Ochako POV) i see this boy he's kind of cute and he trips i use my quirk to stop him from falling and i apologise for doing that

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(Ochako POV) i see this boy he's kind of cute and he trips i use my quirk to stop him from falling and i apologise for doing that. tell him that it would be bad luck to fall on your first day. I introduce myself and wish him luck and turn and leave. 

(Izuku POV) A girl touched me to keep me from falling and she told me her name was Ochako Uraraka this is the first time i spoke with a girl!! (he never spoke) i need to hurry. as i find my seat i'm next to Kacchan as the hero Present Mic begin to talk. i start to fanboy the next thing i know i tall boy gets up and tries to correct Present Mic and then looks at me to complain about my muttering. Present Mic continues he talk and finishes his talk. as i begin the written exam i finish confident i did well. they now take us to a mock city i still haven't gotten a single point. i hear a very loud rumble and the ground starts to shake as the rest of the hopefuls run past me i hear a scream the girl that stopped me from falling is pinned down and before i could think i start running towards her and i leap towards the giant robot screaming smash as i punch it in what should be its face. 

(Ochako POV) stupid, stupid, stupid i tripped and now my leg is trapped under a rock and my going to get crushed by a giant robot. as i look everyone is running away as i cry out in pain. everyone but the boy with the messy hair he is running towards me and he jumped holy crap he jumped about four stories up and punched the robot and blasted it back he looked so cool so fearless. is he falling? think Ochako i use my quirk to free my leg and crawl on top of a broken robot and use my quirk pushing my limits to get to the falling boy. as he starts to fall past me i slap him using my quirk and floating him down. as i land myself i overdid it at start to throw up.

(Izuku POV) i see the girl that saved me im glad she's safe but i need a at least one point i shout out that i need to get at least one point. Present Mic yells times up i failed. my body is shattered i failed All Might i fail myself and drift to unconsciousness. 

(Ochako POV) how could someone so strong get no point it doesn't make any sense why did he stop to save me? i need to make this right. 

the rest goes cannon. 

see you next chapter.

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