Hurt pride and going into heat

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(Izuku POV) i look at my mom and smile and say i have to go. i need to figure out what to wear. i don't even know where i'm going. oh well as long as she's there i know that i'll have a good time. i'm so happy right now she dumped Kacchan for me. 

(Ochaco POV) i did it i asked him and he said yes but where do we go? am i ready to be alone with him? do i go with the girls to a karaoke do i want to share my first date. but after what the girls said i don't know if my heart could handle me being alone with him with him singing to me. if what Momo said is true it might not be safe for me to be alone with him. 

(Mina POV) Ochaco where are you going to go with him. we have to get you ready for your date. so spill it where are you going.

(Ochaco POV) i think we're going to a karaoke i really want to hear him sing. as soon as that left my mouth Mina and Momo squealed in joy. they got really happy they also wanted to hear him sing again. i said i was going to call him and let him know.

(Izuku POV) my phone rang again Ochaco said we were going to a karaoke. i got nervous about having to sing in front of her. the last time i sang i made the girls cry i don't want a repeat performance. i need to think of a song for her and two came to mind i hope she likes it. 

(Mina POV) OMG i get to hear him sing again i hope that he picks a happy song this time. i don't mind crying again i just don't want to ruin my makeup. 

(Momo POV) i can't wait to hear him sing. if Ochaco doesn't appreciate him after today i'll make him mine. i'll make sure he feels how much i would  appreciate him. 

(Tsuyu POV) I'm ready to hear Izuku sing again im going to make sure that i look good incase Ochaco doesn't realize what she has. i'll make sure that i make him feel wanted. as much as i like the songs he picked last time i don't want to feel the hurt he had in his voice. 

(Inko POV) My baby is going out is it a date. Izuku where are you going? who are you going with?

(Izuku POV) just a friend from school mom. were going to a karaoke. 

(Inko POV) what's his name baby? why is he turning red? is it a girl?

(Izuku POV) i start turning red when she asked for his name. i told her that it was a girl that asked me out. she went into mom mode and the questions started and there was a lot of them. but the nice part was she helped me get ready for my date with Ochaco. i could see she was happy for me. once i was ready i thanked her and i kissed her goodbye.

(Inko POV) I'm so happy for my baby he is going on his first date. i want to meet this girl but i'll bring that up later for now i'm just happy for him. he kissed me goodbye when he left. my baby is growing up.

(Bakugo POV) since round face canceled that bitch. Kirishima wanted to go bowling so i said yes as i was walking with him when i saw Deku. he was dressed nice too where is he going? i told Kirishima to follow me when what i saw made me see red. she dumped me for Deku you gotta be kidding me. there's no way that could happen that's Deku she left me for. i started to go after them when Kirishima put his hand on my shoulder and told me lets go. i wanted to blow Deku to kingdom come but Kirishima grabbed my shoulder a little bit harder and reminded me that they are my classmates and i looked one last time and we left. 

(Izuku POV) i saw Ochaco and she was pretty i followed her inside and thats i really got surprised all of the girls were there. i looked at them and they were all dressed nice i turn red and i was confused Ochaco looked at me and said that they wanted to hear me sing. i said ok and we walked in once again the girls picked their songs and told me that i go last. i listened to the girls sing and they all did well this time i got to enjoy it i wasn't depressed. it was now my turn my first song was perfect by Ed Sheeran the next was All of me by John Legend. as i sang i looked Ochaco in the eye when i started the first song as i continued to sing i see her eyes start to swell up so i look around to the other at the other girls and they had stars in their eyes. once it was done i asked if they wanted me to sing the other song and they all said yes at the same time. so i sang. i put every ounce of emotion into it and the girls just stared at me i looked at Ochaco and she looked at me and turned beet red. then she jumped on me and gave me a kiss.

(Ochaco POV) as i watched him look at me as he sang and i melted how could i not see this before. he sang to me two lovely songs that professed love and when he was done all i could do was kiss him. as i did everyone melted away it was just me and him. his lips were soft and he just embraced me i wished this moment lasted longer once we were done i looked around and and all the girls were staring at us and i turned beet red. 

(the girls POV) as we looked at Izuku singing to Ochaco it was wonderful they wished it was them that he was singing to. the look of surprise when Ochaco kissed him spread across all of their faces. they were both happy and sad at the same time. happy for Ochaco sad that it wasn't them.

(Izuku POV) it was wonderful when we were done i took Ochaco home and when i got home my mom was up and i told her i had a great time she smiled at me and told me that we had a meeting with the Principal on monday. i said ok and went to my room and drifted off into sweet dreams. when i woke something wasn't right i called my mom and she started looking at me different. it was kinda like how Ochaco was looking at me. 

(Inko POV) my baby called me and when i walked into his room i was overcome by his sent i wanted to touch him in ways a mom shouldn't. i had to leave this room i didn't want to but i had to force myself to and i called All Might.

Author until next time.

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